How to do career searches in Alberta? Graphic from Boston College
The purpose of this presentation is to show Alberta high school students and parents, how to search for career, scholarship, and post-secondary information, using the Alberta Government “ALIS” website Graphic from Boston College
Go to A – Alberta L – Learning I – Information S - Service
This is the home page (as of June 2009).
Using the search bar, type the name of the career in which you are interested.
Using the search bar, type the name of the career in which you are interested.
This is what you will see This is what you will see. Click on “OCCinfo” (Occupational Information”)
This is what you will see This is what you will see. Click on “OCCinfo” (Occupational Information”)
This is the top of the “Combined Laboratory and X-Ray Technologist” page.
By scrolling down you will find such useful information as…
… post-secondary institutions that offer this program…
… post-secondary institutions that offer this program…
…and the high school courses you need to get into the program…
…and the high school courses you need to get into the program…
…and even related careers that you may not have considered!
…and even related careers that you may not have considered!
Back on the home page, you can also search 1000’s of occupations alphabetically: click on “Occupational Profiles”.
Back on the home page, you can also search 1000’s of occupations alphabetically: click on “Occupational Profiles”.
Or, still on the home page, search “Scholarships and Bursaries” or “Educational Programs” Information
Or, still on the home page, search “Scholarships and Bursaries” or “Educational Programs” Information
Or, still on the home page, search “Scholarships and Bursaries” or “Educational Programs” Information
As you can see, the ALIS website, is a valuable tool in assisting Alberta students in their career and post-secondary searches.
For more information, contact your local high school guidance counsellor.
Thank you.