Stonehenge Dylan Vantomme 4TM 12
Introduction Where ? What ? How ? Who ? Why ? Features in present Visiting
Where is Stonehenge 15 km North of Salisbury
What is Stonehenge Ringwall : Wreath of 56 pits ( Aubrey-holes) 2 openings A 2700 metre avenue 4 station stones 30 massive stones(25 tons each, 6m) 5 gates called trilithons Altar stone
How has the building been constructed 5 phases
How is it built Megaliths from Presselly Mountains (250-300 km away) How moved : - on water - by giants - people
Who has built Stonehenge Merlin the wizard Giants Roman and Greek engineers Aliens
Why is it built Calendar Druïd temple Compas Offering place for witches
Features in the present Tourist attraction Used since 1998 druids again Meetings people who believe in witches Unesco heritage
Visiting Every day Between 9:30 and 17 Need to book in advance Price : £9,30 till age 15 £15,50 15 till age 69
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