Schindler’s List
Oskar’s Biography Born in the Sudetenland region to middle-class parents in 1908 Married Emilie at age 20 Worked for his father, but they lost their factory in the depression His new job required travel; he joined the Nazi party to have connections Immigrated to Argentina after the war, but left Emilie there after ten years He died penniless in 1974 and is buried in Israel
Avenue of the Righteous The movie mentions Schindler having a tree planted on the Avenue of the Righteous in Israel Trees, symbolic of the renewal of life, have been planted in honor of non-Jews who risked their lives to save Jews during the Holocaust; plaques at each tree record the names of those being honored
Rocks at the Grave Jewish people place rocks at the graves of their loved ones It shows remembrance—that the one lost is not forgotten Jews can participate in the mitzvah of making a marker at a grave, by adding to the stone, therefore, they place stones on top of a gravestone whenever we visit to indicate our participation in the mitzvah of erecting a tombstone, even if only in a more symbolic way
Little Girl in Red This shows Oskar’s ability to acknowledge the Jews are people and innocent individuals. Over 1.5 million children also died during the Holocaust No one was immune from the Nazi hatred
Krakow’s Ghetto 68,500 people lived in the ghetto The ghetto territory covered an area 15 streets and 320 houses with 3,167 rooms
Remember Most survivors only want people to KNOW this happened and to work to understanding and respecting all people Schindler saved over 1000 Jews during World War II There are over 6,000 people alive today because of his efforts!