Example tracks recorded by EthoVision of Cimex lectularius in Still-air olfactometer I (A) and II (B), in the presence and absence (control) of volatiles.


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Presentation transcript:

Example tracks recorded by EthoVision of Cimex lectularius in Still-air olfactometer I (A) and II (B), in the presence and absence (control) of volatiles from bed bug-exposed paper. Example tracks recorded by EthoVision of Cimex lectularius in Still-air olfactometer I (A) and II (B), in the presence and absence (control) of volatiles from bed bug-exposed paper. The odour pot is positioned on the right-hand side of the arena. Arena and zones (two sides of the arena) are marked with a dashed line, pots (i.e. areas directly above pots) with a dotted line and the path of the bed bug during a behaviour bioassay with a continuous black line (duration, 15 min). E. N. I. Weeks et al. J Exp Biol 2013;216:460-469 © 2013.