Vocabulary Part 12
casualty noun a serious or fatal accident Gonzolo’s casualty of slipping in mud caused him to break his arm.
cater verb to supply what is wanted or needed Luciana catered Melissa with make up.
dependent noun a person who relies on another for support Robert was a dependent to his parents.
detach verb to separate especially from a larger mass and usually without violence or damage Joseph detached a slice of pizza from the pie.
adept noun a highly skilled or well- trained individual Christian is adept in playing basketball.
advocate noun a person who argues for the cause of another especially in a court of law Jill was an advocate for Jo, the girl that was being bullied.
legitimate adjective being in keeping with what is right or with standards Nicole had a legitimate excuse for being late to school.
lethal adjective causing or capable of causing death The lethal pesticide caused the bugs to die.
mirth adjective A happy and lively quality accompanied by laughter Alexa’s mirth reaction caused everyone around her to be happy.
magnitude noun the importance of something in influence or effect The magnitude of Aileen’s words caused the class to behave.