Today’s Warm Up How would you feel if you worked very hard for an “A” on your Renaissance Unit Test and were then told you could only have that grade if you paid Mrs. Krzyzanowski $1,000?
Protestant Reformation Today’s LEQ: How did Martin Luther challenge the Catholic Church? How has the Christian faith changed over time?
What Was It? Religious revolution during the 1500s Started in Germany and spread throughout Europe Completely changed religion and politics across Europe WHO WAS IMPACTED?
Causes Northern humanist found problems with the Catholic Church Abuse of power Financial corruption Immorality
Causes Pope Leo X sent Johan Tetzel to raise funds Tetzel asked people to buy indulgences (pardons from punishment for sin)
Meet Martin Luther
Lightning Struck… Martin Luther’s near death experience eventually leads him to start a religious revolution! Quit law school & became a monk Spent his life in search of salvation
Outraged at the sale of indulgences! Posts “95 Theses” on church door Luther’s Protest Outraged at the sale of indulgences! Posts “95 Theses” on church door Protestant Reformation begins!!!
Luther excommunicated from Catholic Church Break with the Church Luther excommunicated from Catholic Church Appears before the Diet of Worms Refuses to denounce ideas; declared an outlaw by Roman Emperor Charles V
Protestantism Luther translates the Bible into German while in hiding Luther’s followers are known as Protestants
The Spread of Protestantism Charles V unsuccessful at stopping Protestantism Eventually compromises (states can choose religion for themselves)
The Rise of Sects Hundreds of new religious groups appeared Societies of a few people, gathered together, usually with a preacher as their leader Most later died out
“The Catholic Church’s Knee Injury” Complete the ACL chart by including the following information for each sect: Important leaders Why did they break away from the Catholic Church Beliefs/practices (what set them apart from the others) How did this sect spread? Additional important fact(s)
Today’s Exit Ticket How did the sale of indulgences play a role in the beginning of the Reformation?