Fig. 4 Device accuracy results (n = 32 users). Device accuracy results (n = 32 users). Correlation and Bland-Altman plots comparing the brachial BP measurements from the smartphone-based device [oscillometric finger-pressing method (A to D)] and the brachial BP measurements from a finger cuff device [volume-clamp method (E to H)], with each relative to a standard arm cuff device. The filled circles are data points from new users holding both finger devices at the same height as the heart, whereas the unfilled circles are data points from experienced users holding both finger devices below the heart to raise the BP. r, correlation coefficient; μ, bias error (mean of the errors); σ, precision error (SD of the errors); solid line in Bland-Altman plots, bias error; dashed lines in Bland-Altman plots, limits of agreement. Anand Chandrasekhar et al., Sci Transl Med 2018;10:eaap8674 Copyright © 2018 The Authors, some rights reserved; exclusive licensee American Association for the Advancement of Science. No claim to original U.S. Government Works