Bland-Altman plots showing intraobserver variability of sTBF measurements for observers 1 (A and C) and 2 (B and D) with maximum (A and B) and average.


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Presentation transcript:

Bland-Altman plots showing intraobserver variability of sTBF measurements for observers 1 (A and C) and 2 (B and D) with maximum (A and B) and average methods (C and D). Bland-Altman plots showing intraobserver variability of sTBF measurements for observers 1 (A and C) and 2 (B and D) with maximum (A and B) and average methods (C and D). The x-axes show the mean values of sTBF measured on repeated ASL images; the y-axes show the difference between sTBF values for each set as a percentage of their mean. A, Intraobserver variability for observer 1 and maximum sTBF measurements. B, Intraobserver variability for observer 2 and maximum sTBF measurements. C. Intraobserver variability for observer 1 and average sTBF measurements. D, Intraobserver variability for observer 2 and average sTBF measurements. Solid lines indicate mean absolute differences (ie, bias); dashed lines, 95% limits of agreement. T. Hirai et al. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2011;32:2073-2079 ©2011 by American Society of Neuroradiology