Presented BY KYLE BAILEY Bulky Bull Sharks Presented BY KYLE BAILEY
Fascinating Bull Sharks The bull shark has gigantic teeth.
What does a bull shark look like? The bull shark has a stout body. Like most sharks it has a wide head. Their head is made of cartilage. They can grow up to 1,8 ft. 11 ft. at the most.
How does a bull shark behave? A bull shark migrates every year. they reproduce every nine years. they are one of the most dangerous sharks in the world.
Where do bull shark’s live? The Bull Shark Lives in the Pacific, Atlantic, and the Indian Ocean. They’ve been spotted in The Central American Lake. They live in shallow water near coastlines. The red is were the bull shark lives.
Bibliography Green, Sara, The Bull Shark. 2013, Minneapolis MN: Bell wether media Print. “Bull Shark.” Wikipedia. Web. 11 March/2016. htt psillen. wiki/ Bull Shark.