Survey of the Old Testament Chapter 5 Exodus
The Writing of the Book Traditionally ascribed to Moses Documentary hypothesis Photo: This wall painting from the Tomb of Rekhmire, vizier under Thutmosis III and Amenophis II (18th Dynasty, New Kingdom), depicts slaves making bricks, as the Hebrews were forced to do during their sojourn in Egypt.
The Background Date of the Exodus Route of the Exodus Early Date: 1400’s BC Late Date: 1350-1225 BC Route of the Exodus Northern Central Southern (traditional) Map: Suggested Routes of the Exodus
Purpose and Message Judgment of Egypt Deliverance of Israel Israel as God's covenant people Photo: The symbol of a king or deity with an outstretched arm was a symbol of power and might.
Structure and Organization Israel in Egypt Israel's wilderness trek Israel at Sinai Photo: The traditional site of Mt. Sinai in the southern Sinai peninsula.
Major Themes Yahweh The Ten Plagues The Passover The Ten Commandments The Presence of God Photo: In Egypt, the Apis bull was revered as a god, particularly in Memphis. One live bull succeeded another as representatives of Apis, and figurines were common. After the bull was sacrificed, it was transformed into the god Osiris.