Welcome to Back to School Night PVHS 2013/2014 English 10P Mrs. Flory Welcome to Back to School Night PVHS 2013/2014
A Little Bit About Me… I am in my 14th year of teaching. (5th at PV) I have taught grade levels ranging from 5th – 12th grades within the past 14 years. So far, this has been a great and positive start to the new year
My Family… My husband, Bill, teaches Science at PVHS. He is also in charge of the Athlete Committed Program. He coaches two sports this year as well. Our two sons graduated from PVHS (2005 & 2008) We are currently hosting a Chinese student at PVHS, so we are PV parents once again!
My Solution for Empty Nesting…
On the Academic Front… We are transitioning to the California Common Core State Standards… The new standards provide a way of examining and enriching the learning environment and the current curriculum to best help our students be both college and career ready upon graduation from PVHS. I have placed a link on the website home page that briefly explains the rationale for the ccss implementation. It is worth the watch if you have a few minutes…
English 10 Textbook – HOLT Language and Literature (Fourth Course) Various Novels / Plays Vocabulary (academic and textual) Writing (various genres and lengths) Reading (close reading, informational text, literature, poetry, AoWs, and SSR)
Core Textbook and Grammar Resources Each student should have a book at home. We use the class set of books during school time. Grammar Resource Books are kept in class. HOLT Literature & HOLT Handbook Writer’s Inc. Language Arts
Semester 1 Short stories/Elements of Fiction Grammar/Punctuation/Vocabulary Units of Focus: Mythology & Antigone ERWC Writing Unit (1) AoW and Ted Talks MLA format
Semester 2 Continue AoW and Ted Talks Poetry Plagiarism Writing with a purpose ERWC writing unit (2) CAHSEE readiness Vocabulary Novel and Drama Study Units
Lord of the Flies
Julius Caesar
To Kill a Mockingbird
Research, MLA, Plagiarism
Wow, what a busy year… Please sign up for the English 10 Remind 101 Texting Service (it is free) Stay current and updated by checking the website The BEST POSSIBLE way to contact me is by email: jflory@chicousd.org
Thanks for coming out tonight! GO VIKINGS!