Which city-state offers the better life? Let’s Debate! Which city-state offers the better life? Athens Sparta
Government Athens Sparta Free males over 18 take part in city-state's gov't Council of 500 ran day-to- day business Every citizen had opportunity to take part in Assembly; debated issues & voted on laws Ruling authority was in Council of Elders Council of Elders = men over 60, nobles; held lifetime term Assembly had very little power; no debate of issues
Economy Athens Sparta Traded with other city-states goods and resources Bought and sold goods at agora (marketplace) Metal coins made trade easier Relied on farming and conquering other lands Slaves/noncitizens grew food/made goods Spartan men were soldiers Conducted little trade Used iron bars for currency; heavy and difficult to use
Treatment of Women and Slaves Athens Sparta Women and slaves were not citizens Few women had jobs; rather, managed household and raised children Slaves held variety of jobs, highly skilled Some slaves worked under harsh conditions Women lived simple life had rights Slaves (Helots) were vast majority of population Treated harshly Could buy freedom if saved enough money
Education Athens Sparta Boys taught at home until 6 or 7; went to school until 14 Learned reading, writing, arithmetic, literature, sports, and music Entered military training at age 18 Girls illiterate, did household tasks Boys and girls military training began at age 7 (boys lived in barracks through age 30) Boys taught to be soldiers At age 20, test of fitness, military ability, and leadership