By: Grace
Riparian Areas Deserts Pinyon-Juniper Montane Forest
Hupback Chub Beaver Grand Canyon Rattlesnake Desert Bighorn Sheep Piyon Jay Mountain Lion Alberts Squirrel Knibab Sqirrel
Wild Turkey Mule Deer
18 miles wide 277miles long 1 mile deep
Colorado river runs through it The Grand Canyon is located in Northwest Arizona A river carved the Grand Canyon over a period of 1 thousand years. More than 5 million people come each year
Home to… 75 types of mammals 50 different reptiles & amphibians 25 different fish Almost 500 birds
Geronimo was an Apache Native American Chief. The U.S.A wanted to kick his tribe of their land so they fought and fought. Finally Geronimo was captured. But, they thought he was so fearless that they use his parachute troops as a war cry.
The North Rim is the coldest part of the Grand Canyon. It gets a lot of rain and snow. Flowers such as poppies and cactuses grow there. It takes two days to hike from the top of the Canyon to the bottom and back up again.
Grand Canyon. World Book Encyclopedia. G ed.Print Grand Canyon. Grand Canyon & Northern Arizona Eyewitness Travel: Arizona & The Grand Canyon. Encyclopedia 2005 Print Grand Canyon. National Geographic Kids: National Park Guide U. S. A. Arizona & The Grand Canyon Encyclopedia Grand Canyon. National Park Service U.S. Department of the Interior Arizona, 2012 Print Images in Presentation. Clipart Images, Clipart Klingel,Cynthia and Robert B. Noyed The Grand Canyon. U. S. A. / MN The Childs World inc. Encyclopedia 2001 Print Standard, Carole K. Whos Who in Arizona? Geronimo Arizona. Encyclopedia 2002 Print Welcome to Grand Canyon National Park. National Geographic KIDS National Park Guides U.S.A. Encyclopedia 2012 Print