Career and College Promise Lisa Mabe Eads NCCCS Program Coordinator
CCP The purpose of Career and College Promise is to offer structured opportunities for qualified high school students to dually enroll in community college courses that provide pathways that lead to a certificate, diploma, or degree as well as provide entry-level job skills. This is not Huskins and Dual or Concurrent Enrollment repackaged. 9/2/2019
CCP Three programs/pathways: College Transfer Pathway Career and Technical Education Pathway Cooperative Innovative High Schools (which include Early College HS, Middle College HS, and others) 9/2/2019
College Transfer Pathway CCP College Transfer Pathway Previously – 4 CT Pathways New– 2 CT Pathways (Fall 2014) CT Pathway Leading to the Associate in Arts CT Pathway Leading to the Associate in Science CTP - AA UGETC for AA plus ACA 122 CTP – AS UGETC for AS plus ACA 122 9/2/2019
College Transfer Pathway (cont.) CCP College Transfer Pathway (cont.) Student must complete the entire pathway before taking additional courses in the degree. Student enrolled under Provisional Status may only enroll in English and math and successfully complete both with a grade of C or better before enrolling in other pathway courses. 9/2/2019
College Transfer Pathway (cont.) CCP College Transfer Pathway (cont.) Foreign Language The University of North Carolina has established Minimum Admission Requirements (MAR) and Minimum Course Requirements (MCR) for all students seeking admission to its member institutions. The following excerpt from the 2014 Comprehensive Articulation Agreement details how transfer students can meet the MAR and MCR at the universities. A transfer student will also be considered to have satisfied (MAR) and (MCR) if he or she has: 1. received the Associate in Arts, the Associate in Science, the baccalaureate, or any higher degree, or 2. completed at least six (6) semester hours in degree-credit in each of the following subjects: English, mathematics, the natural sciences, and social/behavioral sciences, and (for students who graduate from high school in 2003-04 and beyond) a second language. Adding a foreign language option to the Career and College Promise College Transfer Pathways will help students meet this requirement. (See handouts) 9/2/2019
CCP Maintaining Eligibility for CT & CTE Pathways Student must: 1. Continue to make progress toward HS graduation, and 2. Maintain a 2.0 GPA in college coursework after completing two courses. 3. (New) A student who falls below a 2.0 GPA after completing two college courses will be subject to the college’s policy for satisfactory academic progress. SBCC approved March 21, 2014 9/2/2019
CCP Eligibility Criteria for CT Pathways Determine who is eligible to participate (and for whom colleges can earn FTE) College Transfer Pathway– Jr. or Sr.; weighted GPA 3.0, and demonstrate college readiness. 9/2/2019
CCP Eligibility Criteria for CTE Pathways Determine who is eligible to participate (and for whom colleges can earn FTE) CTE Pathway - Jr. or Sr.; weighted GPA 3.0 OR recommendation of HS principal or designee, and meet the prerequisites for the career pathway. CTE 9th and 10th graders – Industrial or Engineering Technologies only. Separate eligibility criteria for 9th and 10th graders. 9/2/2019
CCP Testing A photo copy of PLAN scores or PSAT scores are acceptable Updated College Readiness Benchmarks on Approved Diagnostic Assessment Tests (See Handout) 9/2/2019
CCP Eligibility Criteria for Cooperative Innovative High Schools Established jointly by local boards of education and local boards of trustees. 9/2/2019
CCP Eligibility – Key Points Eligibility for participation in a program does not trump prerequisites. For example: BIO 111 is a pre-requisite for BIO 112. College Readiness Benchmarks for the CT Pathway are eligibility criteria for the CT Pathway and do not automatically apply to students in CIHS. 9/2/2019
CCP When is someone officially a 9th, 10th, 11th, or 12th grader? Determined by the LEA. Can CCP students enroll in summer school? Yes, If they are eligible. They may only take courses listed in their pathway(s) Most courses will be on a self-supporting basis. For Tier I courses that earn FTE during the summer, CCP students can enroll on a fee-waived basis. 9/2/2019
CCP Pathway Questions: Options for students who complete a CT pathway: With the new CCP CT pathways, students must complete the entire pathway before taking courses beyond the pathway. Since the courses in the pathway were selected from the list of Universal General Education Transfer Component (UGETC) courses, all are guaranteed to transfer to any of the 17 UNC members. All other transfer courses do not have the same guarantees and therefore, were not included in the CT Pathways. 9/2/2019
CCP Certificate Completion/Graduation While Still In High School There is nothing in state code that prohibits a school from allowing student to complete a pathway before they graduate high school. Some community colleges have a local policy that addresses this issue. 9/2/2019
CCP Options for students who complete a CTE pathway After completing a CTE pathway, students can continue in the degree program. If they complete another certificate in the process, even better. Page 14-7 of the Operating Procedures – “Students (with permission) can enroll in concurrent certificate programs.” Substitution policy within the CT pathways Substitutions (for example – higher level math or science) can be approved by your Chief Academic Officer for individual students. If substitutions are made, please be sure the appropriate documentation is provided and kept on file in the event an auditor asks for this information. 9/2/2019
CCP CT Pathway Completion and Coding A CTP student will maintain their CTP program code because they are simply “adding” to this pathway vs. completing a degree. 9/2/2019
CCP CTE Pathway Completion and Coding With CTE, it seems logical that they would have a new program code to indicate a diploma or a new certificate since they have completed their original certificate. The college should be using a “student” code that would identify the student as a Career and College Promise student so this should assist with the status of the student. **Once a student graduates from high school, the student code should be changed to indicate the student is a graduate and no longer in the CCP program.** 9/2/2019
CCP Summer courses for graduating seniors Are students who are graduating AFTER our summer session starts eligible for CCP in the summer of their graduation year? CCP students are eligible for summer school if they have not graduated from high school when the course starts. (Example: Community college course starts May 19th and CCP student graduates from high school on May 30th. The student may still participate as a CCP student). 9/2/2019
CCP Collecting Transcripts: Do we have to collect transcripts from public high schools or is the verification form with a counselor signature good enough? If the school is using the CFNC application, the high school has already verified the information. From our auditor - “We do not need official copies of test scores and/or transcripts if that information is provided to us by the high schools (signed and dated, of course). However, there needs to be documentation provided by the appropriate high school personnel stating the eligibility requirements have been met. This does not negate the need for other documentation such as that required for students with provisional status.” 9/2/2019
CCP Collecting Transcripts: Do we have to collect transcripts from homeschooled/private school contacts every semester, or are they responsible to letting us know if a student falls below 2.0 or is not progressing towards graduation? No – refer back to the slide on maintaining eligibility 9/2/2019
CCP Can CCP students enroll in an EMT pathway? Yes. Eight colleges have filed CTE programs at either the Certificate or Diploma level. The colleges are as follows: Davidson County CC Sandhills CC Fayetteville Tech CC Southwestern CC Johnston CC Tri-County CC Lenoir CC For questions about specific programs, contact the Program Coordinator in that area or contact Lisa and she can connect you to the appropriate Program Coordinator. 9/2/2019
CCP Confirm number of pathways students can be on. Students can be in 2 pathways. 2 CTE pathways OR 1 CTE pathway and 1 CTP pathway 9/2/2019
CCP Cooperative Innovative High Schools Cooperative Innovative High Schools Can CIHS students use PLAN and/or PSAT test scores to qualify for courses? Only if the local college accepts them 9/2/2019
CCP Provisional status Can you test out of provisional status? No – Provisional status includes scores AND GPA 9/2/2019
CCP Service Area Is the student going to the college or is the college going to a group of students? Colleges cannot offer courses outside of their service area to a group of students. If they are planning to operate outside of their service area, an ISA will need to be signed before such services can begin. 9/2/2019
Audit Information/Questions CCP Audit Information/Questions 9/2/2019
Other questions?!?