Thursday, August 17, 2017 You will need colored pencils, scissors, glue, and your comp notebook. Pick up one of each of the worksheets on the back counter. (3 of them) Sit down and wait for further instructions If you haven’t turned in your time capsule from Friday and your letter/index card from Tuesday, please do so now.
Types of conflict This will be page 4 in your comp book 1. Cut out each piece separately, being careful to leave the tab on. 2. Place all pieces into the notebook so that the points of the triangle meet up. Then, glue each tab only down so that all pieces swing open at the middle. 3. You may want to assign each conflict a certain color, so color code the pieces if you wish and /or outline the center in color as your filling in the notes.
Types of Conflict Definitions to go under the appropriate triangle: Man vs. Self (internal) -a struggle between a character and his feelings, conscience, or fear Man vs. Society (external) -a struggle between a character and the laws or beliefs of a group *could involve poverty, politics, social norms, expectations, or values Man vs. Nature (external) -a struggle between a character and mother nature *mother nature = weather, animals, insects, sickness, epidemics Man vs. Man (external) -a struggle, mental or physical, between two characters *other character may be the antagonist
Conflict cont. Column sort. This will be page 4 in your comp book. Cut out the pieces, glue down the 4 heading pieces, color code the headings if you wish, and sort the examples into the proper columns. DO NOT GLUE THE EXAMPLES UNTIL WE GO OVER THE ANSWERS!
Answers to column sort Once you know you’ve gotten the answers correct, you may glue them down in your book.
Story Devices- Page 5 in your comp book How to Construct Story Devices Foldable 1. Color and cut out each iPod and definition tab. 2. Glue the iPods into the notebook. 3. Fold each definition tab forward at the top and glue only on each tab so that it swings open from the top. Line the top of the definition tab with the top of each iPod. 4. Write the definition for each story device under the tab.
Def. for Story Devices Foldable Flashback – interrupting the plot of the story to recreate an incident of earlier time Suspense – the anxiety a reader feels about what may happen next in a story Cliffhanger – an ending to a section, chapter, or book that leaves the reader in suspense Foreshadowing – hints or clues suggesting what may happen later in a story Story Devices are techniques that writers use to make a story more interesting and to enhance the experience for the reader.