Prof Matt Smalley, Director Breast Cancer Research at the European Cancer Stem Cell Research Institute Prof Matt Smalley, Director Dr Richard Clarkson BCRA visit, 2nd May 2019
In vitro and in vivo (cancer) stem cell model systems Therapeutic interventions and patient benefit Pancreas Prostate Breast Intestine Blood Brain Stomach
Tumour heterogeneity in breast cancer Smalley: Targeted treatments for breast cancers with different biology (influenced by early events in development of disease) Clarkson: Anti-cancer stem cell therapies for breast cancers to reduce resistance to standard of care and block metastasis
ER- PR- HER- / Basal-like (10%) Three key clinical groups in breast cancer ER+ PR+ Luminal-like (70%) ER- PR- HER- / Basal-like (10%) HER2 / ERBB2 amplified (20%) Anti-hormonal therapies (e.g. Tam; Arimidex) Herceptin or other anti-HER2 therapies
LYN kinase A molecular switch which when ‘on’ keeps cells alive In BRCA1-associated TNBC, LYN is active at high levels and cannot be switched off by the cell
New grant: Is LYN required for BRCA1 breast cancer to form?
Preliminary study: Using mouse models to decipher tumour heterogeneity
Preliminary study: Cross-talk between normal and tumour cells