ILO General Survey on Social Protection Floors ITUC regional preparatory meetings for the International Labour Conference Evelyn Astor Economic and Social Policy Advisor International Trade Union Confederation
Background: Recommendation 202 Sets out a framework for basic social security guarantees: Basic income security for children, the elderly, and those in active age Universal access to quality, affordable healthcare and essential services Calls for a human-rights based approach, with provision irrespective of one’s contribution history Affirms the ‘’primary and overall responsibility of the state’’ in providing social protection Calls on governments to regularly convene national consultations on social protection Complementary to other ILO standards, especially ILO Convention 102 on Social Security* *see full list of relevant standards here: , which sets out basic principles to ensure access to healthcare as well as social security benefits including sickness benefits, unemployment benefits, old age benefits/pensions, employment injury benefits, family benefits, maternity benefits, disability benefits and survivors’ benefits.
Responses received to the survey 114 responses received by governments 44 submitted by unions (including ITUC) 11 observations submitted by employers (including IOE) 1 response from a national labour council representing both workers and employers (BE)
Progress on implementation A mixed picture: Major expansions to social protection in some countries, both contributory and non-contributory Highly underdeveloped social protection systems in other countries Affirmation of the Recommendation in other international agreements, including Sustainable Development Goals Overall, only 27 per cent of the world’s population has adequate social protection coverage and more than half lack any coverage at all.
Issues in implementation Major coverage gaps for some types of workers, especially informal workers and those in non-standard forms of work Gender gaps in social protection (coverage and benefit levels) Low adequacy of benefits (i.e., benefit levels that are well below what is needed to guarantee a life in dignity) Low quality of social services or health care Low accessibility of benefits/services Stringent eligibility requirements (extreme means testing) making it difficult to access support
Issues in the policymaking process Cuts in social spending in the context of austerity, often due to pressure from international financial institutions. Lack of social partner consultation in social protection reforms in some cases Worrying trend of privatization in social protection and downsizing of collectively financed schemes. Reduced financial contribution of employers to social protection, increased contribution from workers Lack of coherence between social protection policies and macro-economic/fiscal policies
Way forward… Addressing financial challenges through progressively raising tax revenue Enhanced technical support from the ILO (e.g., Better Work, ILO Flagship Programme) and convening national consultations with social partners More coordination between ILO and other international organisations, including World Bank and IMF Greater awareness raising activities by the ILO Promoting ratification of ILO Convention 102 and other instruments Standard review: most respondents (including ITUC) said standards are fit for purpose, but Canada/Lithuania call for an SRM review 55 countries have ratified C102 since its adoption. :ILO target of 60 ratifications by 2020
Important reading… ITUC (2018) Reply to the ILO General Survey on Social Protection Floors ILO Committee of Experts Report (2019) on the General Survey on Social Protection Floors ITUC (2019) Background note on the General Survey in advance of the International Labour Conference (in preparation)