GLOCALPOWER – Funds, Tools and Networks for an African Energy Transition
Phenomenon Research Puzzle Research Aim How can a fair, inclusive and efficient energy transition be achieved in African contexts? Analyze glocal energy transitions: Global level: green funds & global governance networks Local level: case studies on RE funds and RE tools in Ghana, South Africa and Zambia
African energy transition Research questions How are energy transition projects orchestrated through green global funds? How is the political economy of RE finance shaped? What are crucial factors for designing green funds in a fair, efficient and transparent way? funds African energy transition Which political/financial tools seem adequate for managing energy transitions? How do they contribute to the 7th SDG? What are crucial factors for designing political/financial tools that support an effective and inclusive energy transition? tools Which modes of glocal stakeholder governance are evolving? How can inclusive and fair stakeholder participation be guaranteed? How can stakeholder governance be improved particularly in African contexts? net-works Research focus Research questions
Research Design 1 2 3 4 5 Kick-off phase WP1: Mapping of RE transition tools WP2: Mapping of green finance institutions Initiation of research group, exploratory research, preparation of case studies Case study 1 RE funds in Ghana, South Africa and Zambia Case study 2 RE tools in Ghana, South Africa and Zambia Case study 3 Glocal RE governance in the African context WP3a/4a/5a: Field research on RE funds in Ghana, South Africa, Zambia WP3b/4b/5b: Field research on RE tools in Ghana, South Africa, Zambia WP 7: Glocal RE governance – inter/transnational organizations WP8: Postcolonial environmental governance WP 6a/6b: Comparative analysis Transfer project: Best practice strategies for African energy transitions WP9: Policy recommendations ‚African energy transition‘ WP10: Manuals on green funds and RE transition tools
Research Design: Green tools RE transition tools in African countries: mapping of political instruments (direct/integrative/enabling) mapping of transition strategies (state-led/ donor-led/market-led) WP1: Mapping of RE transition tools Case studies: 3 country cases; focus on feed-in tariffs, auctions + derisking tools Focus on legislation; performance; donor activities; policy outcome/ evaluation Explain success/failure/challenges Methodological background: process tracing; expert interviews PhD thesis, journal articles CS1:RE tools WP3a/4a/5a: Field research on RE transition tools in Ghana, South Africa, Zambia WP 6a: Comparative analysis Recommendations on locally appro-priate design of feed-in tariffs and derisking tools: ‚theory of change‘, local empowerment, contribution to 7th SDG WP10: Manual on RE transition tools
Expected results Adequate design of global green funds: governance, participation, outcome Adequate design of RE transition tools with respect to 7th SDG Recommendations for glocal stakeholder governance/local empowerment Co-design and co-production of transition knowledge for successful decarbonisation processes and for fostering fair & reliable access to energy in African contexts Development of RE transition scenarios under highly diverse political/economic circumstances
Qualification project: Dr. Simone Claar How does the green transition affect the states and markets in Africa? the (international) political economy of renewable energy Finance of renewable energy Relationship of forces: state-capital nexus, Renewable energy and Labour, local-national-global context Green Capitalism (s) meets African Capitalism(s) Source:
Qualification project: Carsten Elsner PhD on the relationship between energy and structural change as a development strategy Question: „How can African countries use the current energy transition to foster structural change towards industrialisation?“ Context of global production patterns as starting point for revision of structural change literature (Energy) Transition theory Policy Analysis: Industrial Policy; Energy Policy Mixed-Methods: Interviews and Quantitative Data Analysis (BNEF microdata on financial movements in renewables) Case studies: Zambia and Ethiopia
Qualification project: Manuel Neumann Research: The role of finance in advancing renewable energy transformations in the Global South – the example of the Green Climate Fund Core questions: How does the Green Climate Fund advance sustainable energy transformations? What are implications for stakeholders across the North-South divide? Context: climate change, globalisation, development collaboration across the North-South divide Applicable Theories: Transition Management, Political Economy, Development Studies, Finance, Organisational/Project Governance, Methodology: Mixed methods (expert interviews, semi-structured interviews with beneficiaries, [participant observation] as well as quantitative data analysis of financial flows) Cases: yet to be defined Source:
Qualification project: Dr. Franziska Müller Green transformation of postcolonial statehood Actors Postcolonial environmental governance Policies Zones
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