2012.07.31 Collaboration Meeting KAGRA Cryogenics Status of Cooling system by T.Suzuki and Cryogenic payload by K.Yamamoto 2012.07.31 Collaboration Meeting
Cryostat Assembling in progress Some low quality of handling was found in the first set of radiation shields. Improvement has been required. Cryochambers 8K Radiation shields 80K Radiation shields
Cryostat Performance test is scheduled from the October. Leak rate < 1 x 10-10 Pa m3/sec Pressure < 10-7 Pa ( after cooling down ) Cooling capacity Heat load on payload cooling paths Heat load on the 8K shield wall Vibration on the 8K shield (2nd test) Interferometer (ICRR), accelerometer (Roma Univ.)
Cryostat Passage test with a mockup model agreed to Kashima. Start to prepare the mockup model and jigs Test schedule Installation Haulage in the tunnel : synchronize with vacuum chambers. Consistent installation flow with type-A 2.65 m 4 m 3.05 m 4 m
4K cryocooler unit In 2012FY, nine units are manufactured. Apr. ~ July : Procurement of parts End of July ~ Feb. 2013 : Assembling and performance test in succession. Measurement of 4K PTC (SHI) Cooling capacity Vibration of cold stage (bare) An example of vibration Y.Sakakibara Target position
Shield Duct Design in progress Manufacturing schedule will be behind Supply of vacuum duct and bellows will be available in Mar. 2013. Lack of third single stage PTC Solvay cryocooler is under study as an alternative