References / Documents Cloud and Pour Test Area Unit Operating Procedure # Certified by Revision # Date Page 3 Lab OPS-LB-NM-002 B. Gereighty 9/10/07 1 of 1 Job Hazards Yes Access and Egress Moving Parts Activities of Others Noise Adverse Weather Rail Movement Chemical Exposure Sharp Edges Electricity Slips, Trips, and Falls Fatigue Static Electricity Fire and Explosion Trip Injuries Ground Contamination Trapped Pressure Manual Handling Working at Height Other: References / Documents MSDS on Diesel Unit Safe Upper & Lower Limits Spreadsheet PPE Use Standard (SSP-0011) Y Full Face Shield / Goggles Hood Clothing—Chemical Protection Gloves—Chemical Personal Fall Protection Respirator / Filter Mask Supplied Air Special Instructions This procedure is to be used every time a Cloud and Pour test is run. Any problems, notify Shift Supervisor or Duane Chaisson. Environmental All unused samples must be dumped into the Slop Tank on west side of Octane room. All samples MUST be properly labeled. W A R N I N G C A U T I O N Quality Assurance N/A Cloud and Pour Test 1 Filter material with five filter papers. 2 Make sure glassware is clean. 3 Fill cold test jar to designated line on jar (about 50%). 3a The cold test jar for the cloud test is blacked out on the bottom. 3b The cold test jar for the pour test is clear on the bottom. 4 Fit cork ring to cold test jar to stabilize jar while in testing chamber. 5 Check to see if both glass probes are not broken in 2 Place Unit. 6 Place cold test jar for pour test into the left side (P-1) testing chamber and seal off with cover screw cap. 6a Press P-1 – Start – Enter on display panel. 7 Place cold test jar for cloud test into right side (P-2) testing chamber and seal off with cover screw cap. 7a Press P-2 – Start – Enter on display panel. 8 When each test is completed, a bell signal will sound and results will appear on display panel. 9 When each test is completed: 9a Press Stop Bell, P-1 or P-2, Stop, Yes (for terminating test), then enter on display panel. 9b Unscrew cap and remove beaker. *Both P1 and P2 are pour point units. q Procedure Completed Date: Prepared By: Approved By:
Cloud and Pour Test (continued) Area Unit Operating Procedure # Certified by Revision # Date Page 3 Lab OPS-LB-NM-002 B. Gereighty 9/10/07 2 of 2 Cloud and Pour Test (continued) 10 Carefully wipe dry the glass probes before putting back in holder. Make sure there is not a liquid built-up in holder. 11 Wait about 15-20 minutes before running another test, allow a warming-up period. 11a If you suspect a cloud result that is out of the normal range, clean the probe with methanol and wipe clean the two black discs at the probe end, and run sample again. 11b If you suspect a pour result that is out of the normal range, squirt methanol into the two holes of the underside pour top and swab out the holes, and run sample again. Cloud and Pour Test in 6 Place Unit Positions 1, 3 and 5 are Cloud point units. Positions 2, 4 and 6 are Pour points units. 1 Press Unit number, then on. 2 At end, press Alarm Button, then Unit number, then off. q Procedure Completed Date: Prepared By: Approved By: