Co-expression of periostin and Sox10 in DRG and DRG explant cultures. Co-expression of periostin and Sox10 in DRG and DRG explant cultures. (A–C) Periostin expression in DRG was analysed by using immunohistochemistry analysis of sagittal sections of heterozygous periostin-mutant embryos at 12.5 dpc. (A) To identify cells that expressed periostin, we made use of the β-galactosidase (green) expression, which reflects the periostin expression in heterozygous periostin mutants. Note that the β-galactosidase remained within the expressing cells in contrast to periostin, which was secreted. (B) Glial cells were identified through expression of the glial marker Sox10 (red). (C) An overlay of the images in A and B is shown. Note the strong expression of periostin (β-galactosidase) in the area of the nerve root (arrows). (D–F) Periostin expression in DRG explant cultures was assessed by co-immunostaining with antibodies against periostin (green, D) and Sox10 (red, E). An area several millimetres away from the ganglia, where mostly migrating Sox10-positive Schwann cells are located, is shown. (F) An overlay of the images in D and E is shown. Note the substantial overlap of Sox10 and periostin expression in migrating Schwann cells. Scales bars: 100 µm (A–C); 10 µm (D–F). Eva Sonnenberg-Riethmacher et al. J Cell Sci 2015;128:3345-3355 © 2015. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd