Good Luck Today Make sure you picked up a scan-tron at the door 11/5/15 Good Luck Today Make sure you picked up a scan-tron at the door Put your Science Journal on Table 6 NOW. It is due NOW…not at the end of class. YOU MUST HAVE YOUR RUBRIC ATTACHED OR YOUR JOURNAL WILL NOT BE GRADED ! Make sure you have a number 2 pencil Fill out the scan-tron: Name - print first and last Date- 11/4/15 Subject- CELLS & CellCycle Period - Test NO – You have the entire period to finish the exam BUT, you MUST finish during this class period. Watch your time! We have to practice timed tests since we are PreAP and AP exams are timed. Be sure to put your test and scan-tron in the correct stack when you turn them in. Check to see if your Science Journal has been graded