Structural insights based on chimeric Alp4-GCP2 analysis. Structural insights based on chimeric Alp4-GCP2 analysis. (A) Sequence alignment diagram based on JalView revealing peaks of conservation between Alp4(1–418) and GCP2(1–504) N-termini. Quality color code: Blue is absolutely conserved, brown to yellow gradient represents increasing similarity of amino acid character. (B) Four (1–4) nonfunctional Alp4–GCP2 chimeras indicating switched regions. GCP2 in green, Alp4 in red. alp4-1891 mutation shown in yellow. Amino acid numbering corresponds to relative Alp4 or GCP2 segments. Genetic assays were performed identically to those in Fig. 1A and Fig. 5C (not shown). The four nonfunctional chimeras were examined by western blotting of whole-cell extracts using HA fusion proteins (strains JPZO21-24). Each chimera is expressed and folds properly into solubilized form. Timothy D. Riehlman et al. J Cell Sci 2013;126:4406-4413 © 2013. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd