Föstudagsfundur Barnadeildar 17.nóvember 2006 Ingi Hrafn Guðmundsson Basophilar Föstudagsfundur Barnadeildar 17.nóvember 2006 Ingi Hrafn Guðmundsson
Hvít blóðkorn (leukocytar) Sjá um varnir líkamans Leukocytar Granulocytar Lymphocytar Neutrophilar Lymphocytar Eosinophilar Monocytar Basophilar The term granulocyte is due to the presence of granules in the cytoplasm of these cells. In the different types of granulocytes, the granules are different and help us to distinguish them. In fact, these granules have a different affinity towards neutral, acid or basic stains and give the cytoplasm different colors. So, granulocytes distinguish themselves in neutrophil, eosinophil (or acidophil) and basophil. The lymphoid cells, instead, distinguish themselves in lymphocytes and monocytes. As we will see later, even the shape of the nucleus helps us in the recognition of the leukocytes.
Hvít blóðkorn Hver og ein undirtegund er í mismiklum mæli í blóðrásinni: Neutrophilar 50 - 70 % Eosinophilar 2 - 4 % Basophilar 0,5 - 1 % Lymphocytar 20 - 40 % Monocytar 3 - 8 %
Blóðhagur Niðurstaða Viðmiðunarmörk Einingar B-Hvít blóðkorn 5,9 4,0-10,5 x10E9/L B-Rauð blóðkorn 4,62 4,30-5,80 x10E12/L B-Hemóglóbín 142 134-171 g/L B-Hematókrít 0,42 0,39-0,50 L/L B-MCV 90 80-97 fL B-MCH 30,7 26,5-33,5 pg B-MCHC 341 318-358 B-RDW 11,8 10,6-13,2 B-Blóðflögur 301 150-400 B-MPV 9,7* 5,8-9,4 B-Neutrófílar 2,8 1,9-7,0 B-Lymfócytar 2,3 1,1-4,0 B-Mónócýtar 0,6 0,3-0,9 B-Eósínófílar 0,2 <0,5 B-Basófílar 0,0 <0,2
B-Basófílar 0,0 <0,2 Blóðhagur Niðurstaða Viðmiðunarmörk Einingar B-Hvít blóðkorn 5,9 4,0-10,5 x10E9/L B-Rauð blóðkorn 4,62 4,30-5,80 x10E12/L B-Hemóglóbín 142 134-171 g/L B-Hematókrít 0,42 0,39-0,50 L/L B-MCV 90 80-97 fL B-MCH 30,7 26,5-33,5 pg B-MCHC 341 318-358 B-RDW 11,8 10,6-13,2 B-Blóðflögur 301 150-400 B-MPV 9,7* 5,8-9,4 B-Neutrófílar 2,8 1,9-7,0 B-Lymfócytar 2,3 1,1-4,0 B-Mónócýtar 0,6 0,3-0,9 B-Eósínófílar 0,2 <0,5 B-Basófílar 0,0 <0,2
Lítið rannsakaðir og eiginlega ekkert vitað hvað þeir gera Lítið rannsakaðir og eiginlega ekkert vitað hvað þeir gera.....tekur því eitthvað að ræða þetta???
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Veistu, ég held að það sé best fyrir þig að tala við blóðmeinafræðingana...
Sko, þessum basophilum var eiginlega bara alveg sleppt í hematologiunni...
og að lokum...
Basophilar!?! Neineinei, ég er allur í eosinophilunum...
Þetta er bara svo svakalega interessant!!
Uppruni Basophilar eiga uppruna að rekja til beinmergs. Myndast frá hemocytoblöstum (pluripotent stem cell), eins og öll hin hvítu blóðkornin.
Basophils are derived from a hemocytoblast, which differentiates in the bone marrow to form a myeloid stem cell, a myeloblast, a promyelocyte, a basophilic promyelocyte and a basophilic band cell which leaves the marrow and eventually differentiates in the circulation to become a basophil. It takes 3 to 7 days for a basophil to develop and they have a highly variable lifespan from a few hours to a few days.
Bygging 9-10 µm í þvermál. Mikið af granulum í umfrymi sem taka upp dökkfjólubláan lit. Kjarninn er tví- eða þrílappa, getur verið erfitt að sjá hann vegna fjölda granula sem hylja hann. and they are easily recognized in a stained blood smear by the large, coarse histamine-containing granules in their cytoplasm. These granules have an affinity for the basic dyes and they stain purplish-black. Basophils are very similar to the granulated mast cells present in tissues. Mast cells are found concentrated in the connective tissue of the skin, lungs and the gastrointestinal tract. Although basophils and mast cells appear to be very similar, they do arise from different cell lines.
Starfsemi Virkni ekki vel þekkt. Vitað að þeir taka þátt í ofnæmissvari af tegund 1. Hafa Fc viðtaka á yfirborði sínu sem eru mjög næmir fyrir IgE. Krosstenging IgE veldur því að basophilar losa mediatora eins og heparín og histamín. Verka því svipað og mastfrumur, nema að þeir eru í blóðinu en ekki vefjunum.
Mast cells reside in tissues in the body, and basophils are in the blood stream. Both mast cells and basophils have over 100,000 receptors that are specific for the IgE antibody. When an allergen (antigen) enters the immune system, the antigen binds to these IgE receptors on the surface of the cells. When the allergic individual is reexposed to the same allergen that initiated the response, the IgE is able to bind to that allergen. When two IgE antibodies next to each other bind to the antigen, this interaction "wiggles" the membrane and causes the degranulation of the mast cell or basophil. Degranulation means the breaking down of the mast cell or basophil. As degranulation occurs, it causes the mast cell or basophil to release a series of chemicals that orchestrate the allergic reaction. Within every mast cell or basophil are 500 to 1500 granules containing more than thirty different allergy-causing chemicals. The best known chemical that is released is histamine. Histamine causes itching if released in the skin, wheezing if released in the lung, and contributes to a loss of blood pressure if released throughout the body. Leukotrienes are also released, and they act similar to histamines. Cytokines are also released, and one of the cytokines released by the basophil is interleukin-4, which is believed to be responsible for telling the body to make more IgE. (See Allergic Rhinitis for effects of allergy causing chemicals on the body). The intensity of this immune response is one of the many reasons that antihistamines alone do not work for most allergic disease.
Mikilvægi basophila í bráðu ofnæmissvari www.clinicalmolecularallergy.com
Basophilar = Mastfrumur Ekki tissue counterparts of basophils Hafa svipaða eiginleika High affinity Fc receptors for IgE Hlutverk í ofnæmissvari Histamín Developmental, phenotypic, and functional differences. Almost certainly arise from a common bone marrow stem cell.
Basophilar = Mastfrumur Whereas the conditions required for maturation of the basophil are unclear, the phenotype of tissue mast cells is controlled by the local cytokine environment. Mucosal mast cells containing tryptase (MCT cells) mature under the influence of interleukins 3 and 4, but connective tissue mast cells containing tryptase and chymase (MCTC) require the presence of fibroblasts.
Basophilar = Mastfrumur Leukotrien C4 Prostaglandin D2 IL-4 og IL-13 IL-1,-3–8,-10,-13, GM-CSF, IFN-g, TNF-alfa
IL-4 Seytt af TH2 frumum. Sérstaklega virkt á active og resting B frumur. Upphaflega kallað B cel stimulating factor. Áhrif á activeraðar B frumur: Stimulerar fjölgun og differentiation → hvetur til antibody class switch. B fruma sem er einungis örvuð af IL-4 verður að plasma frumu sem seytir IgE og öðrum allergy tengdum mótefnum. Eykur tjáningu á MHC II í resting B frumum og macrophögum. IL-4 vikar á IL-10 þannig að virkni virkra macrophage minnkar.
Leukotrien C4 SRS: "slow reaction smooth muscle-stimulating substance“ var upphaflega lýst á árunum 1938-1940 af Feldberg og Kellaway. Þeir einangruðu SRS úr lungnavef eftir langvarandi útsetningu fyrir snákaeitri og histamíni. Leukotriene - Bengt Samuelsson árið 1979 – sænskur biokemisti. Myndað úr arakídonsýru. Nafn vísar til as cystein í byggingu þess. Herpir saman berkjur og eykur permeability háræða. Eykur slímseytun í loftvegnum og görn. Chemoattractant fyrir leukocyta á bólgustað. Hluta til brotið niður í local vef - að lokum í lifur.
Aukning á Basophilum - Basophilia Viral infections (e.g. Varicella) Hodgkin's Lymphoma Hemolytic Anemia Following splenectomy Myeloproliferative disease Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia Polycythemia Vera Myelofibrosis Inflammatory processes Inflammatory Bowel Disease Chronic dermatitis Asthma Chronic Sinusitis Endocrine causes Hypothyroidism Increased Estrogen
Lækkun á Basophilum Stress Hypersensitivity Reaction Corticosteroids Pregnancy Hyperthyroidism
Basophilar og MS Nýlegar rannsóknir sýna að basophilar og mast frumur geti spilað hlutverk í eyðingu á myelíni í MS (http://www.mult-sclerosis.org/basophil.html - síðast breytt 2001) There is relatively little literature on basophils in health and disease. This is partly because they are present in low numbers in peripheral blood and are difficult to quantify accurately with automated differentials. Basophils and mast cells cannot be distinguished easily in tissue with conventional stains.
Acute basophilic leukemia Entrez PubMed.htm Entrez PubMed2.htm Entrez PubMed3.htm Entrez PubMed4.htm 4 – 2 – 1- 3
Heimildir http://www.fpnotebook.com http://www.hon.ch http://www.wadsworth.org http://pim.medicine.dal.ca http://www.medfriendly.com www.mult-sclerosis.org http://en.wikipedia.org http://www.nature.com ...og einhverjar fleiri...