Loughton School Curriculum evening 22.1.19
Loughton Immersive Learning Talk through the reason for the change Course attended and inspirational head teacher Process with the governors and T & L
Inspired Final amendments made this year – behaviour course conversation Inspiring children as tag line
The LIL (Loughton Immersive Learning) curriculum is designed to create successful learners and enable our children to be exceptionally well prepared for the next stage of their life and education – emotionally, socially and academically. Talk about the pastoral side of learning and the support we have in school. Link to Zoe and the PSHE part of the evening later.
We recognise that there is a responsibility on the part of all stakeholders – the governors, the school, the parents and the children - to develop well-rounded individuals. The environment in which a child learns at Loughton challenges the traditional view of the classroom, creating a sense of awe and wonder while facilitating immersive learning. Talk about Maslow’s hierarchy of need and how important it is regarding children’s learning.
The Loughton Curriculum inspires all children to be life-long learners The Loughton Curriculum inspires all children to be life-long learners. They will leave our community ready for the next part of their learning journey. Talk about SATs and the new Ofsted framework
Independent Independent thinkers with inquisitive minds Self-assured and responsible Enthusiastic and self-motivated Reflective
Respectful Thoughtful, caring and active member of the community. Development of social skills Tolerance of others Empowered to find their voice and opinions
Resilient Reinforcing positive mental health and self-image Aspirational Believe that challenge and problem solving is part of learning Critical thinkers
Flexible, creative mind-set Enthuse and capture curiosity Deeper learning Passion for learning
So what does the new curriculum look like? https://www.loughton.milton-keynes.sch.uk/ Take the parents to the I can webs on the website.
Talk about enrichment activities