Key issues of ELP implementation ECML seminar 29-31 March 07 rs 1 Key issues of ELP implementation Implementation means positioning the ELP in the daily.


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Presentation transcript:

Key issues of ELP implementation ECML seminar March 07 rs 1 Key issues of ELP implementation Implementation means positioning the ELP in the daily learning and teaching routine Project C 5 IMPEL ELP implementation support Soutien à la mise en oeuvre du PEL

Key issues of ELP implementation ECML seminar March 07 rs 2 Instructions, communication, dialogue

Key issues of ELP implementation ECML seminar March 07 rs 3 Key issue 1 Implementation has to have purpose and it has to make sense Using the ELP means change and effort for many stakeholders well beyond learners and teachers Needs and perspectives of stakeholder groups vary Project C 5 IMPEL ELP implementation support Soutien à la mise en oeuvre du PEL

Key issues of ELP implementation ECML seminar March 07 rs 4 Maslows hierarchy of needs Physiological Safety Belonging Esteem Self- actualization Realizing ones potential Self-esteem, respect Group, family, friendship Employment, ownership Food, water, sleep

Key issues of ELP implementation ECML seminar March 07 rs 5 Key issue 2 The ELP is based on principles which have an impact on educational practice and educational systems Multitudes of interactions produce reciprocal effects Processes are guided by expected outcome Project C 5 IMPEL ELP implementation support Soutien à la mise en oeuvre du PEL

Key issues of ELP implementation ECML seminar March 07 rs 6 IMPEL Variety of perspectives Expectations Priorities IMPEL Authorities School Administrator Teacher Learner

Key issues of ELP implementation ECML seminar March 07 rs 7 Key issue 3 Implementation is a complex undertaking Project C 5 IMPEL ELP implementation support Soutien à la mise en oeuvre du PEL Developing a coherent plan in context Building guiding coalitions Securing adequate resources Monitoring outcome Reducing incoherencies and conflicts Consolidating gains

Key issues of ELP implementation ECML seminar March 07 rs 8 IMPEL Values, perspectives and interpretations in multi-staged systems IMPEL

Key issues of ELP implementation ECML seminar March 07 rs 9 Key issue 4 Project C 5 IMPEL ELP implementation support Soutien à la mise en oeuvre du PEL Harmonizing expectations and goals Aligning processes to vision and goals Broad-based empowerment of stakeholders Building on success Coherence (free of internal contradictions)

Key issues of ELP implementation ECML seminar March 07 rs 10 IMPEL Building guiding coalitions IMPEL Coherent + + Clear + - Desirable + + Feasible + + Empowerment - + Funding - + Priority + + Stakeholder A Stakeholder B C + - e.g. Winning support for an implementation plan

Key issues of ELP implementation ECML seminar March 07 rs 11 Key issue 5 Sustainability Project C 5 IMPEL ELP implementation support Soutien à la mise en oeuvre du PEL Maintaining a sense of urgency Allocating resources in operational budgets Communicating impact and benefits Up-dating goals, plans and procedures Repeating the vision

Key issues of ELP implementation ECML seminar March 07 rs 12 IMPEL Short-term wins influence final outcome IMPEL Time Effect on outcome Short-term wins Ex 1 Ex 2 Ex 3

Key issues of ELP implementation ECML seminar March 07 rs 13 Focus A Transfer of know-how and experience Project C 5 IMPEL ELP implementation support Soutien à la mise en oeuvre du PEL Importance of context Perspectives in multi-staged systems Purpose, evaluation criteria, relevance Transparency and coherence of information Validity and reliability of information

Key issues of ELP implementation ECML seminar March 07 rs 14 IMPEL National ELP project IMPEL Example Spain First experimental implementation phase Second experimental implementation phase Wide-spread implementation by 2010 Winning support and go-ahead Designing ELP models

Key issues of ELP implementation ECML seminar March 07 rs 15 Focus B Context Environment, conditions and circumstances surrounding the project Motives for embarking on implementation Educational and cultural traditions Priorities and time horizons Resources Political and professional support Project C 5 IMPEL ELP implementation support Soutien à la mise en oeuvre du PEL

Key issues of ELP implementation ECML seminar March 07 rs 16 Assessing and self-assessing the language competence of native language(s) and language(s) of instruction Effects of a whole school language policy (Vladimir RF) ELP Renewal of language education Broadened learner role Renewal of goals and tasks for FL learning Methods Renewal of success criteria Renewal of forms of assessment Broadened teacher role New process logic Widened co-operation ElementaryRussian Mathematics Responsible attitude Enhanced communication Creativity Out of school activities New school life-activity model Sunny City and Harmony Broadened cultural interests

Key issues of ELP implementation ECML seminar March 07 rs 17 Focus C Strategy Project C 5 IMPEL ELP implementation support Soutien à la mise en oeuvre du PEL A strategy is a coherent plan to achieve stated or implied goals and objectives. A strategic plan normally defines the ways to pursue, human and financial resources, responsibilities, time horizons, monitoring as well as reporting arrangements and evaluation criteria defining success

Key issues of ELP implementation ECML seminar March 07 rs 18 Europäisches Sprachenportfolio Entwicklungen, Ergebnisse, Herausforderungen Entwicklung der Selbsteinschätzung (Vladimir RF) Klasse Einschätzung (6 von 29) age 16 Prognostik adäquat Prognostik beinahe adäquat Prognostik Versuche Retrospektiv adäquat Retrospektiv Versuche Keine Selbstevaluation Zielvorstellung Schüler A-F