LEA project The plurilingual and pluricultural dimension in language teacher training Mercè Bernaus Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Language Educator Awareness The LEA PROJECT Language Educator Awareness 5 members in the coorfination team 29 participants 29 countries 29 didactic units + than 100 hours of teacher training activities
objectives To raise awareness of diversity as a key element of society. To develop positive attitudes among language teachers towards all other languages as well as their speakers. To enrich language teacher education with the potential to exploit linguistic and cultural diversity at individual and social levels. To facilitate curricular changes to incorporate plurilingual and pluricultural awareness into language classes.
DIMENSIONSDIMENSIONS Plurilingual and Pluricultural Competence A: social-affective C: linguistic and communicational input B: attitudes and motivation D: Interaction Teacher training materials
The content of the LEA kit rationale for a plurilingual and pluricultural approach 29 sets of activities samples of materials for students.
Circles of my pluricultural self Circles of my pluricultural self (Viera Bockova) Write your name in the middle circle. Write an important aspect of your identity in each satellite circle (you can add more circles if necessary) Exchange the information about your identities with somebody else and look for the similarities. Can you tell an anecdote of a specific situation that made you feel proud of one of your identities? Is there any stereotype related to one of your identities but that you dont feel identified with that? For example, –Im Spanish but I dont like being late.
Pluriculturalité et sémiotique Pluriculturalité et sémiotique (Astrid Guillaume)
Cultural Awareness Cultural Awareness (Fernando Trujillo) Religion Gender Politics Spare time Studies Simulation: Identity and stereotypes Name, place and date of birth, studies, hobbies, personality,… Exam of identity From identity to multiple identifications: beyond nation, religion and ethnic group
Proverbes Proverbes (Sofie Jonckheere) Erken kalkan yol alır, erken evlenen döl alır The early bird catches the worm Morgenstunde hat Gold im Munde L'alba ha l'oro in bocca L'avenir appartient à ceux qui se lèvent tôt A quien madruga, Dios le ayuda Proverbes en 16 langues: turc, anglais, hollandais, allemand, italien, suédois, français, roumain, espagnol, polonais, hongrois, islandais, slovaque, tchèque, estonien et croate
1.- In groups of 3 or 4 discuss what can motivate teachers to go on with their profession. 2.- What does motivate your group members to go on with their profession ? 3.- Report the results in the plenary session. Attitudes and Motivation Attitudes and Motivation (Mercè Bernaus) How to motivate the teachers? How to motivate the students?
Gremion, L Une lecture anthropologique du rapport à la différence. Actes de la recherche de la HEP-BEJUNE, 3, Quotings translated by Aine Furlong.
Gràcies! Merci! Thank you! Danke! Web site of the LEA project: Mercè Bernaus: