Wall of Panic
I just feel ill prepared- all info gratefully received
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Golden Nuggets
GP Magazine ‘GPs' careers could be wrecked and their patients put at risk because their training fails to fully prepare them to work as locums, a report warns.’
F/T or P/T Pension Income Teaching Medical research politics GPwSI Portfolio career Private NHS Locum Partner Salaried
Nearly 400 years ago…… 1617 Society of Apothecaries 1815 Apothecaries Act 1834 Poor Law Amendment Act 1844 Royal College of Surgeons of England 1844 National Association of General Practitioners in Medicine, Surgery and Midwifery. 1858 General Medical Council formed (Women doctors were permitted to register) 1911 National Insurance Act 1926 Royal Commission on National Health Insurance 1617 Society of Apothecaries 1815 Apothecaries Act compulsory apprenticeship and formal qualification 1834 Poor Law Amendment Act called for the provision of sick wards in parish workhouses. 1844 Royal College of Surgeons of England 1844 National Association of General Practitioners in Medicine, Surgery and Midwifery. 1858 Medical Act established the "General Council of Medical Education and Registration" (General Medical Council) and required all medical practitioners to register with the Council and for the Council to supervise the training of doctors. Women doctors were permitted to register. 1911 National Insurance Act gave basic medical cover for the working population who earnt less than £2 a week. 1920 Dawson report published. The "Primary" health centre is advocated suggested separating the medical service from the insurance system and setting up instead a service which encompassed all public health activities paid for by public funds.
1942 Sir William Beveridge He identified health care as one of the three basic prerequisites for a viable social security system and in so doing laid the foundations for the NHS.
1944 A white paper "National Health Service“ "everybody, irrespective of means, age, sex or occupation shall have equal opportunity to benefit from the best and most up-to-date medical and allied services available. It added that the services should be comprehensive and free of charge and should promote good health as well as treating sickness and disease."
Bevan- Health Minister 1945
1948 Formation of the NHS General practice became responsible for all personal medical care and the gateway for individuals to access hospitals, specialist care and sickness benefit.
Self awareness What you have to offer What you want/need Opportunity awareness What is available What ‘they’ want
NHS 1965 GP Charter Doctors needed more than a medical degree to be a good GP The ‘Red Book’ was published 1997 PMS 1981 GP Training became compulsory 1990 GP Contract 2004 nGMS Contract PCT providers PCT commissioners Private and GP providers PBC Led the way for salaried GP posts
?? Dispensing Training and undergraduate education Other private work Reports NES DES LES QOF MPIG
Facts and Figures 2006 35000 GPs Up 28% from 1995 Only up 12% as FTE 60 GPs per 100 000 pts 1985 34% medical school graduates female 1995 27% GPs 34% female GP 5% male GP Worked p/t 62%medical school Entrants female 40% GPs 65% GPs between 40-59 49% female GP 11% male GP Work p/t
So what’s next?
F/T or P/T Pension Income Teaching Medical research politics GPwSI Portfolio career Private NHS Locum Partner Salaried
Plenary Have you learnt anything? BUT will it be useful? WHY? How confident do you feel now about moving on from your scheme? Do you have any unanswered questions? Please complete the evaluation forms