Discussion Class 8 User Interfaces
Discussion Classes Format: Question Ask a member of the class to answer Provide opportunity for others to comment When answering: Give your name. Make sure that the TA hears it. Stand up Speak clearly so that all the class can hear
Question 1: One of the examples is the Library of Congress's Thomas system. (a) What is the purpose of this system? Who are the users? (b) What is the Congressional Record? Another example is the Library of Congress's American Memory system. (c) What is the purpose of this system? Who are the users?
Question 2: "Zero-hit outcomes occur on 30% of searches at some services, ..." (a) Why do you think that this happens? (b) Is it necessarily bad? (c) What can be done to reduce the bad aspects?
Question 3: The four steps Describe the following four steps. What are the objectives of the step? What are the issues? What are the options? (a) Formulation (b) Action (c) Review of the Results (d) Refinement
Question 4: User Interfaces It is frequently recommended that their should be separate user interfaces for different categories of users. (a) What features might be included? (b) What are the practical issues in implementing such a choice?
Question 5: Xinquery (a) What is good about this user interface? (b) What suggestions would you make to improve this user interface?
Question 6: WInquery (a) What do the authors claim are the benefits of this user interface? (b) Do you agree with them?