Welcome to ‘Planning for Media Arts activities for the classroom (F-6) The webinar will start promptly at 3:45pm on 12 June 2019.
Learning in Media Arts Media Arts Practices In Making and Responding students engage with the key concepts, story principles and both technical and symbolic elements of media arts. Making in Media Arts is the use of knowledge, skills, techniques, process and materials that communicate ideas and intentions. Students design, produce and distribute media artworks. Responding includes exploring, analysing and interpreting media artworks. In making and responding to media artworks, students develop critical perception, personal expression and collaboration.
Learning in Media Arts Media forms: film, news reports, documentary, advertising, animation, music videos, video games, graphic novels and multimodal media arts forms. Key media concepts: used to tell stories; technologies used to produce, access and distribute media; various institutions that enable and constrain media production and distribution; audiences; representation. Technical and symbolic elements of media: including composition, space, time, movement, sound, colour and lighting for media forms in different contexts. Story principles: structure, intent, characters, setting, points of view and genre. Techniques and processes: pre-production, post production, distribution, engagement. Materials: images, sound, text and technologies.
Media Arts strands Strand Explore and Represent Ideas Media Practices Present and Perform Respond and Interpret Explore, investigate and experiment with ideas and develop characters, representations and viewpoints through characters, sound, settings, stories and text. Use media technologies and media conventions to create and represent stories in media forms. Planning, producing, distributing for specific audiences and contexts in media forms. … reflecting, questioning, analysing and evaluating as an audience and producer. …Identify specific features and purposes of media artworks.
Media Arts & English Table represents connections between the Media Arts curriculum & the English curriculum READING & VIEWING WRITING SPEAKING & LISTENING Language Expressing & Developing ideas Text structure & organisation. Text structure & organisation Language variation & change Language for interaction Expressing & developing ideas. Literature Responding to literature Examining literature Literature in Context Creating literature Literature & Context Responding to literature Literacy Texts in context Interpreting, analysing, evaluating Creating texts Interacting with others Show links on website.
Technologies & Media Arts Explore and Represent Ideas Media Practices Present and Perform Respond and Interpret Explore, investigate and experiment with ideas and develop characters, representations and viewpoints through characters, sound, settings, stories and text. Use media technologies and media conventions to create and represent stories in media forms. Planning, producing, distributing for specific audiences and contexts in media forms. … reflecting, questioning, analysing and evaluating as an audience and producer. …Identify specific features and purposes of media artworks. DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES Digital Systems Data and Information Creating Digital Systems Hardware, software and network components of digital systems. How data is transmitted between components in a system. How data is collected and represented and how it is interpreted in context to produce information. Interrelated processes and associated skills by which students create digital solutions. Show website and filtering
Technologies & Media Arts Explore and Represent Ideas Media Practices Present and Perform Respond and Interpret Explore, investigate and experiment with ideas and develop characters, representations and viewpoints through characters, sound, settings, stories and text. Use media technologies and media conventions to create and represent stories in media forms. Planning, producing, distributing for specific audiences and contexts in media forms. … reflecting, questioning, analysing and evaluating as an audience and producer. …Identify specific features and purposes of media artworks. DESIGN & TECHNOLOGIES Technologies and Society Technologies Contexts Creating Designed Solutions Focus on how people use and develop technologies. Economic, environmental, ethical, legal and functional factors, and the impact of technologies on individuals, families, local, regional and global communities and the environment. Materials and technologies (sub strand) Traditional, contemporary and emerging materials and specialist areas that involve the extensive use of technologies. Working with materials and production processes. Design thinking, design processes and production processes. Investigating, Generating, Producing, Evaluating, Planning and managing.
Focus on the Achievement Standards Level 6 By the end of Level 6, students explain how viewpoints, ideas and stories are shaped and portrayed in media artworks they make, share and view. Students use materials and media technologies to make media artworks for specific audiences and purposes, using intent, structure, setting and characters to communicate viewpoints and genre conventions. They explain the purposes of media artworks made in different cultures, times and places for different audiences. Making media artworks – skills & ideas 2. Ideas, imagination & observation 3. Describing and explaining their own media artworks. 4. Identify and describing media artworks from other cultures.
Media Arts Practice - continuum STANDARD F 1 - 2 3 - 4 5 - 6 Make artworks Skill Ideas Make and share media artworks representing stories with settings and characters. Use structure, character, intent and setting, media technologies and the elements of media arts to make and share media artworks. Use intent, structure, setting, characters, media elements and media technologies to make and share media artworks that communicate ideas to an audience. Use materials and media technologies to make media artworks for specific audiences and purposes using intent, structure, setting and characters to communicate viewpoints and genre conventions.
Explore & Represent - continuum STANDARD F 1 - 2 3 - 4 5 - 6 Ideas, imagination and observation Make and share media artworks representing stories with settings and characters. Use structure, character, intent and setting, media technologies and the elements of media arts to make and share media artworks. Use intent, structure, setting, characters, media elements and media technologies to make and share media artworks that communicate ideas to an audience. Use materials and media technologies to make media artworks for specific audiences and purposes using intent, structure, setting and characters to communicate viewpoints and genre conventions.
Evaluation of media artworks continuum STANDARD F 1 -2 3 - 4 5 - 6 Describing and explaining media artworks. Describe media artworks they make Describe media artworks they make, where and why they are made. Describe media artworks they make. Discuss why they have made media artworks. Identify the characteristics of audiences who view their media artworks and the social context in which they are made. Explain the purpose of and different audience characteristics of media products they make and share. Explain how viewpoints, ideas and stories are shaped in media artworks they make and share.
Responding to other Media Artworks continuum STANDARD F 1 - 2 3 - 4 5 - 6 Identify and describe media artworks from different times and cultures. Describe media artworks they view. Describe media artworks they view and describe where and why they are made. Describe similarities and differences between media artworks they view. Discuss how and why others use images, sound and text to make and present media artworks. Identify the characteristics of audiences who view media artworks and the social, historical and cultural contexts in which media artworks are viewed. Explain how viewpoints, ideas and stories are shaped are portrayed in media artworks they view. Explain the purposes of media artworks made in different cultures, times and places for different audiences.
Year 5 – 6 Claymation task During this project you will: Discover what Claymation is and how it is can be used for communication of specific messages View the Assessment Rubric in order to guide my learning Research ideas for your message and intent Choose a meaningful message to communicate through your own Claymation Choose your targeted audience Complete a storyboard that develops your ideas and shows your purpose and audience Create your characters and backgrounds according to your research Use Stop-motion animation technique to create your Claymation Edit and finalise Claymation Present your Claymation to the class
Assessing the planning of the task. Making media artworks – skills & ideas Ideas, imagination & observation Curriculum Span: Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Students structure a media product. Students develop an understanding of audience and purpose in a media product. Students structure a media product demonstrating the relationship of audience and purpose. Students use intent and structure in a media product for a specific audience and purpose. Quality criteria Selects message Selects message for a purpose Selects message for a purpose and audience. Selects a message with intention for a specific audience and purpose. Lists ideas in dot points. Identifies ideas relating to message. Describes ideas relating to message. Expands on ideas relating to intention and message. Sequenced story line Story line connects to purpose. Story line connects to purpose and audience. Story line explains specific purpose of the message to the intended audience.
Student Samples Selects message for a purpose and audience. Describes ideas relating to message. Examples: Grade 5/6 The Knox School
Describes ideas relating to message. Story line connects to purpose and audience. Examples: Grade 5/6 The Knox School
Selects message for a purpose Identifies ideas relating to message. Story line connects to purpose. Examples: Grade 5/6 Meadow Heights PS
Curriculum Manager Kathryn Hendy-Ekers Hendy-Ekers.Kathryn.L@edumail.vic.gov.au PH: 9032-1697
Curriculum support For advice regarding the F-10 curriculum, contact VCAA F-10 Unit: E. vcaa.f10.curriculum@edumail.vic.gov.au T. 9032 1788