Lecture 17 – Practice Exercises 3 CMPT 120 Lecture 17 – Practice Exercises 3
Goals for Today! Practise designing a solution (algorithm) to a problem Practise implementing a program (solution) described by an algorithm
Question 1 Homework – from a few lectures’ ago! Problem Statement: Given 3 numbers, find the largest one. How to proceed: Write an algorithm, i.e., steps, in pseudocode (not in Python) on the supplied piece of paper Write your name and student number Submit at the end of the lecture
Question 2 Problem Statement: How to proceed: Figure out if the given word is a palindrome. How to proceed: Write an algorithm, i.e., steps, in pseudocode (not in Python) on the supplied piece of paper Write your name and student number Submit at the end of the lecture
Question 3 – Homework – from a few lectures’ ago! Problem Statement: Let’s create a function that returns the largest number out of 3 numbers Requirements: You cannot use the max( ) built-in function You cannot use the word max to name your function How to proceed: Implement your algorithm in Python using Repl.It No submission required
Question 4 – Back to our Guessing Game Remember our Guessing Game program from Lecture 7 (May 22), have a look at its version 4 on our course web site List an input for which this Guessing Game version 4 works just fine! ___________________________________________ List an input for which this Guessing Game version 4 does not work well (its behaviour does not make sense) ! ___________________________________________
Question 4 – Back to our Guessing Game Problem Statement: Fix our Guessing Game version 4 (hence creating version 5) This signifies that when you enter the input you listed in 2. on the previous slide, our Guessing Game version 5 will work just fine!
Question 5 - Loops fruit = ["banana", "apple", "plum"] index = 0 Let’s convert the following Python code fragment such that it no longer uses a while loop but instead, it uses a for loop: fruit = ["banana", "apple", "plum"] index = 0 while index < len(fruit): print(fruit[index]) index = index + 1
Question 6 - Strange Calculator Problem Statement: Write a program that takes a string as an input, such as “24 + 16”, “30 – 5”, “10 * 4”, 36 / 2”, compute the equation found in the string and output the equation and its result such as 24 + 16 = 40 Requirements: Note that the output, such as 24 + 16 = 40, is no longer made of strings, but they are all integers Your program cannot make use of functions such as eval( ), etc…