Grief, Relief & Everything in Between: Improving spousal support during the transition from hospital to Nursing Home care Aoife Molloy Senior clinical social work practitioner Research student, MSc loss & bereavement
Aims & Objectives Establish Action Research Team Development of support booklet Feedback and evaluation from spouses To improve the emotional support offered to spouses during their loved ones’ transition from hospital to nursing home care
Action Research “an emergent inquiry process…simultaneously concerned with bringing about change in organisations…and adding to scientific knowledge” (Coghlan& Brannick, 2014) Research “in action” as opposed to research “about action” (Coghlan & Shani, 2018) Collaborative & participatory approach
The Story AR involves a process of moving through cyclical, sequential phases in order to capture the process. Cycles of action and reflection September – December 2018: Constructing January – March 2019: Planning/taking action April – June 2019: Evaluating action
Findings – The Transition Loss: “ Huge feelings of loss and guilt; why could I not keep my husband at home like other women?” “This home we had made together for 40 years, what was it all for?” Pressure: “I found the pressure from some hospital staff difficult” “I felt threatened that if my husband was not brought immediately, the bed would be given to another man” Loneliness: “Even a short visit would be a great help…I really appreciate the small number of visitors that still come” “The problem is I live alone…it became difficult to socialise”
Findings – The Booklet Increased sense of support: “It would have been a great help, it answers questions about the move, the change in my role and what to expect” Heightened awareness of feelings: “You are so drained with the actual transition of your spouse that you are numb to your own emotions and feelings. The booklet alerts you” “All I knew at the time was that I was devastated. Reading the booklet would have helped me put a name on what I was feeling” Recommendations: “More details about the effect on your lifestyle” Expand booklet to include adult children/extended family members
Next Steps Further collaboration with AR team to review and amend booklet Organisational approval to implement booklet Funding
Conclusion Spouses experience feelings of loss upon relinquishing care of their loved one to formal NH care. Spouses need to be emotionally supported during this transition, rather than being assisted only with paperwork. The provision of the booklet would have increased sense of support at this time.
References Coughlan, D. & Brannick, T., 2014. Doing action research in your own organisation. 4th ed. London: Sage. Coghlan, D. & Shani, A. B. (Rami)., 2018. Conducting Action Research for Business and Management Studies. London: SAGE Publications Ltd.