Protocol and Meeting Expectations KCLS 2019 Protocol and Meeting Expectations
# 1612
PROTOCOL This is what sets us apart from other organizations. Protocol gives us proper procedures to be followed in meetings and formal situations although it is impossible to cite a rule for every situation.
COUNCIL MEETINGS The grand knight must conduct their meetings in accordance with the Charter, Constitution and Laws of the Knights of Columbus, supplemented by your council's by-laws and according to parliamentary procedure. The standard reference on the subject of procedure is Robert’s Rules of Order
# 10318 Knights of Columbus The Method of Conducting Council Meeting
Council Meeting Chamber Setup Responsibilities of Grand Knight Guidelines: Conducting a Council Meeting Use of the Gavel Parliamentary Procedure Motions And much more
Addressing the chair by saying “Worthy Grand Knight The salute: Member- representing the tree of the Cross makes a vertical motion, with his arm and vertically opened hand, from top to bottom Presiding officer - representing the arms of the Cross, the presiding officer makes a horizontal motion, with his arm and horizontally open hand, from left to right
DIGNITARIES AT MEETINGS When priests, state officers, district masters, district deputies, or special guests are present at a meeting they should be accorded due recognition for the office or position they hold. However a state officer or district deputy when present at his home council need not be specifically recognized unless he has been invited to attend in his official capacity or requests to be so recognized.
When a general agent or field agent is present at a meeting, he should be treated as a guest as he is a representative of Supreme. He should be seated and introduced with the dignitaries.
The district deputy and insurance representative should always be called upon to speak.
Additional resources you should make yourself familiar with
LEADERSHIP RESOURCES # 5093 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Practical Information for Grand Knights, District Deputies and Financial Secretaries
# 483 How To Conduct A Meeting: PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURE Special Circular 23 How To Conduct A Meeting: PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURE # 483 by A. F. Wileden Distributed by Knights of Columbus
CONCLUSION As has been mentioned earlier, it is impossible to cite a rule for every situation. No doubt there will be times when the grand knight will encounter some rather difficult and even unique situations. Under those circumstances the grand knight must use his judgment and simply apply common courtesy.