Samuel Bemment Loughborough University Dr. Roger Dixon Systems Division Mini-conference, 2 Oct 2013 REPOINT Phase 2: a.k.a ‘If you think you’re so smart, go ahead and build one…’ Samuel Bemment Loughborough University Dr. Roger Dixon UKACC PhD Presentation Showcase
Introduction Railway track switch designs have remained similar since Victorian times REPOINT (2011-2013) explored benefits of re-engineering Step change in capacity Junction control rule changes One design very promising 3 patents REPOINT 2 (2013-2014) to build lab-scale demonstrator
Systems Division Mini-conference, 19 Sept 2013
Systems Division Mini-conference, 19 Sept 2013
Phase 2 Project Plan 15 Months from June 2013, £356k funding from ‘Enabling Innovation Team’ Concept Refinement, Subsystem Design and Validation, Outline Design Deliverable: Concept Demonstration in Lab and Outline Designs
Building a REPOINT HiTL Demonstrator Start small…
Building a REPOINT HiTL Demonstrator Aim Bigger…
Capacity of rail networks depends upon switches Summary Capacity of rail networks depends upon switches Switch technology is the limiting factor We are prototyping a novel switch design The design is simple, but it will need control engineering to function There are many other knock-on benefits (too many for 4 minutes) …Thanks for listening! £ Billions