Merab Milton Useful Dialogue
First Impressions MERAB He ain’t likely to have time for you, child. REE I’ve got to talk to him. If he don’t know, nobody does. Nope. Talking just causes witnesses. And he don’t want for any of those.
End of first meeting REE So, I guess come the nut-cutting, blood don’t really mean shit to the big man. Am I understanding that right? Merab spins on her heel and gets up into Ree’s face. MERAB Don’t you dare. Don’t! I want you to listen to me, child. You need to turn around, and get yourself on home. Merab turns and walks back to her house.
The Beating Episode EXT. THUMP MILTON’S YARD - DUSK Ree walks across the yard towards Thump Milton’s house. The door opens and Merab comes out carrying a steaming mug. She hurls the liquid at Ree, then hits her in the face with the mug as ALICE and TILLY, Merab’s sisters, emerge from the house. Ree cries out and falls to the ground. MERAB I done told you to leave him be.
Beating Ree MERAB (CONT’D) Get her, Alice! ALICE (to Ree) No, you don’t! The sisters get a tighter hold on her and force her inside the barn. MERAB That’s what you get for not listening. Ree’s screams pierce the air as the barn door lowers.
Beating Scene MERAB You was warned. You was warned nice and you wouldn’t listen – why didn’t you listen? Ree spits a bloody tooth into her palm. She looks around and sees people she can barely make out, watching her in silence.
Merab steps up to Teardrop. MERAB He never! No man here touched that crazy girl. I put the hurt on her. Me and my sisters, they was here too.
Daddy’s Bones Episode MERAB We’ll take you to your daddy’s bones. We know the place. We need to put a stop to all this nonsense talk about us we’ve been having to hear. REE I ain’t said a thing about you. I know. But everybody else has.