Henry Heimlich Heimlich Maneuver Tested Malaria-therapy
Surgery 1788: Jacques Tenon urged surgeries to be performed in separate rooms
Edward Jenner (1749-1823) Developed a vaccination for smallpox Father of Immunology
Louis Pasteur Inventor of pasteurization. Developed a vaccine for rabies by using germ theory. Gave 1st vaccine.
Bacteria 1786: Otto Muller discovered bacteria, which causes illness
Joseph Lister Father of antiseptic surgery. Published a book. “Antiseptic principles of the practice of surgery” Lint covered in carbolic acid.
William Harvey Circulation of blood 'Exercitatio Anatomica de Motu Cordis et Sanguinis in Animalibus' ('An Anatomical Study of the Motion of the Heart and of the Blood in Animals') "BBC - History - William Harvey." BBC - Homepage. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Sept. 2013. <http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/historic_figures/harvey_william.shtml>. Picture-n/a. William Harvey. N.d. BBC, n/a. BBC. Web. 18 Sept. 2013. He described how blood was circulated throughout the body. He also describes how the heart was like a ‘pump’. He discovered this by dissecting animals. He wrote a book about it. Most people distrusted his idea. William Harvey
Karl Landsteiner 1901:Karl Landsteiner discovered the different antigens in blood
Medicinal Honey Medicinal honey was used to put on cuts to stop infection.
Elaiv Baar, Barry Buckland, Kathrin Jansen Gardasil Vaccine
1970s Test tube baby
Penicillin Antibiotic created in WWII by Alexander Fleming
The Black Death The Black Death was a plague that swept over Europe and killed about one third of its population.
Bubonic plague and Pneumonic plague There were two types of the Black Death, the Bubonic plague and the Pneumonic plague.
James Lind Found cure for Scurvy Scurvy often called “Pirates disease” was a deficiency in Citrus