A normal/intermediate activity of calmodulin-calcineurin pathway is required to cope with SDS stress in vps13Δ. A normal/intermediate activity of calmodulin-calcineurin pathway is required to cope with SDS stress in vps13Δ. (A) Growth of wild-type, vps13Δ, cnb1Δ, crz1Δ, vps13Δ cnb1Δ and vps13Δ crz1Δ cells expressing, or not, MYO3-N on YPD+SDS. (B) Addition of EGTA improves growth of vps13Δ on SDS-containing medium. (C) FK506 affects growth of vps13Δ on SDS-containing medium. Strains were grown to early exponential phase. Cells (0.05 OD) were plated on YPD+0.035% SDS, and 2 µl of 0-10 µM FK506 (HY-13756, MedChemExpress, Monmouth Junction, USA) was applied on paper discs as indicated. Piotr Soczewka et al. Dis. Model. Mech. 2019;12:dmm036830 © 2019. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd