EGTOR proceedings and proposals Ms Liisa Ollila Director of International Affairs Ministry of Social Affairs and Health of Finland 17th meeting of the NDPHS Committee of Senior Representatives Moscow, Russia 29-30 June 2010 Document CSR 17/6.1a/Info 1 EGTOR proceedings and proposals
Establishment of the EGTOR and its tasks The Terms of Reference of the EGTOR adopted by the CSR on 5 November 2009 As stipulated in the EGTOR ToR, “the overall task of the EGTOR is to draft Terms of Reference for new/restructured Expert Groups with clear and time-limited mandates and tasks”
Composition and the Chair Finland (Chair) Canada Norway Russia Sweden The Chairs and ITAs of the present four NDPHS Expert Groups NDPHS Secretariat (also served as the secretariat for the EGTOR)
EGTOR meetings Four meetings have been held during November 2009 to June 2010: EGTOR 1, 23 November 2009, Oslo, Norway EGTOR 2, 19 January 2010, Helsinki, Finland EGTOR 3, 25 February 2010, Moscow, Russia EGTOR 4, 9 June 2010, Helsinki, Finland
Proceedings of the EGTOR Developed a proposed templates for EG ToR and TG ToR, which can be used in the future for new Expert Groups and Task Groups Proposed ToRs for restructured/new Expert Groups and Task Groups New ToRs: Take into account the ToRs of the current NDPHS Expert Groups Adequately cover NDPHS Goals and Operational Targets Take into account available resources Reflect the NDPHS lead role for health priority sub-area of the EUSBSR
Proposals to the CSR Successful implementation of the new NDPHS Strategy requires reshaping of the current expert-level structures of the Partnership and ensuring that they be focused on the implementation of the adopted Goals and Operational Targets (OTs). The EGTOR recommends that the expert-level structures of the NDPHS include not only Expert Groups, but also Task Groups
Proposals to the CSR (1) An Expert Group on HIV/AIDS and Associated Infections (HIV/AIDS&AI EG) be established. It would build on the current HIV/AIDS EG and would cover HIV/AIDS and associated infections
Proposals to the CSR (2&2a) An Expert Group on Health Systems (HS EG) be established. It would build on the current PHC EG and PH EG A new Task Group on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR TG) be established
Proposals to the CSR (3&3a) A new Expert Group on Alcohol and Substance Abuse (ASA EG) be established A new Task Group on Alcohol and Drug Prevention among Youth (ADPY TG) be established
Proposals to the CSR (4,4a&4b) A new Expert Group on Horizontal Cooperation on Lifestyle-related Non-Communicable Diseases and Good Social and Work Environments (HOC EG) be established The current SIHLWA Sub-group on Occupation Health and Safety (SIHLWA-OSH) be transformed to a Task Group on Occupational Safety and Health (OSH TG) A new Task Group on Indigenous Mental Health, Addictions and Parenting (IMHAP TG) be established
Proposals for further rapid action (1) Consistent with the NDPHS Work Plan for 2010, rapid action be taken by the EG and TG Lead Partners and co-Lead Partners to ensure swift and smooth commencement of the groups led by them. This includes, but is not limited to: participants and other interested bodies appoint their representatives and alternates to the established EGs and TGs EG and TG Lead Partners and co-Lead Partners ensure human and financial resources for the leadership in the groups elaborate work plans, which would specify the methods, milestones and resources with which the respective Operational Targets are to be reached
Proposals for further rapid action (2) Efforts be continued, and where necessary new ones be taken, to ensure funding be made available for projects to be developed/facilitated by the NDPHS
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