Stock-specific relationships between critical swimming speed (Ucrit) and water temperature t among individual fish from different fish stocks. Stock-specific.


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Presentation transcript:

Stock-specific relationships between critical swimming speed (Ucrit) and water temperature t among individual fish from different fish stocks. Stock-specific relationships between critical swimming speed (Ucrit) and water temperature t among individual fish from different fish stocks. For Gates Creek (GC) sockeye salmon: Ucrit=2.17/1+[(t-16.15)/9.59]2 (P<0.05; r2=0.41). For Weaver Creek (WVR) sockeye salmon: Ucrit=1.60/1+[(t-15.18)/8.52]2 (P<0.05; r2=0.27). The relationship for Chehalis (CHE) coho salmon was not statistically significant over the temperature range examined. Results for Early Stuart (ES) sockeye salmon are included for reference. C. G. Lee et al. J Exp Biol 2003;206:3239-3251 © The Company of Biologists Limited 2003