X-Ray Endstation Systems (XES) 2006 Schedule Stefan Moeller
Outline Scope of X-Ray Endstation Systems (XES) Layout Milestones Tasks and Plan for FY06 XES Detector program Budget and Staffing Summary
Scope and Goals The X-Ray Endstation Systems (XES) group will create the infrastructure required for experimenters to make best scientific use of the LCLS radiation safely XES will equip a complete instrument for Atomic Physics Experiments Coordinate all safety related aspects for the user environment and the experiments
The Endstation Systems provide: Infrastructure for LCLS Experiments: Personnel protection systems (PPS) Protect people from x-rays and lasers Machine protection systems (MPS) Protect machine from users Network and computer support Cables, networks, servers, data storage Prototype Detector New type of x-ray detector for LCLS experiments Instrumentation for first Atomic Physics experiments: AMOS chambers, sample handling, detectors, optics, etc Beamline controls Synchronized laser system Installation and Commissioning: Integration with rest of LCLS and with AP Station
Endstation Systems Location and Layout FEE, NEH, XR Tunnel, FEH: Controls, Cabling, Network, PPS, MPS NEH: AMO Instrument, Beam-line Controls, Laser, Mech./Vacuum FEE XR Tunnel 646 ft NEH FEH
Near Experimental Hall The Near Experimental Hall Shops, setup space FEL beam Experimental hutches AMOP Hutch Soft X-ray
AMOS Hutch Layout Hutch #1 in NEH Rough Conceptual Design Optics: Focusing system Laser system (higher power) Sample System Chambers (sample, diagnostics) UHV system Detectors (e, ions, photons) Diagnostics (x rays, laser)
Far Experimental Hall Access Tunnel 19ft, ~300ft long Hutches 1,2,3 >30x30ft X-Ray Tunnel 20ft Control Area 1 Control Area 2 Control Area 3 46ft 212ft
XES L3 Milestones Level 3 FY05 Complete 2D Detector Statement of Work Award Initial R&D Funding for 2D Detector FY06 Hire Atomic Physicist Hire Detector Physicist Design Review #1 for 2D Detector Specification for Streak Camera FY07 Design Review #2 for 2D Detector Network Final Design Review Beamline Control Final Design Review Laser Final Design Review Order Lasers FY08 Start Installation in FEH Laser Operating in NEH Complete Beamline Controls Complete Mech./Vacuum Installation Complete Network and Cabling Complete Acceptance Tests of Detectors Complete Installation in NEH First Atomic Physics Experiment
Task Summary for FY06 Staffing: Detector, Atomic, PPS Eng., Controls Eng., (Laser, ME) Continue with 2D Detector R&D (01/6) Design Review #1 for 2D Detector (02/06) Start Streak Camera (MOU, TA) (02/06) Design PPS, MPS (3/06) PPS Design Review (5/06) Start Design AMO Instrument (6/06) Start Spec. Laser PPS and User safeguards (7/06) Start Specification Network (7/06) PDR Network Spec (9/06) Start Specification Beamline Control (7/06) PDR Beamline Controls Spec (1/07)
Status and Plan for FY06 Detector Physicist hired (2/06) TA 06 for 2D Cornell Detector in place Scheduled Design Review #1 for 2D Detector (Feb. 9 -10, 2006) Start Streak Camera (MOU, TA in prep.) Atomic Physicist hired (1/06) Start with Specs, Design AMO Instrument (6/06) PPS Engineer hired (1/06) Starts PPS, MPS design in 2/06 Hire Controls Eng. (2/06) Start Specification Network (7/06) PDR Network Spec (9/06) Start Specification Beamline Control (7/06) PDR Beamline Controls Spec (1/07) Hiring of Beamline Control Engineer/Network Engineer
2D X-Ray Detector Program LCLS presents detector challenges Signal comes in large pulses (many photons) Pulse rep rate at 120Hz Dynamic range/ low noise >requires significant R&D for new detectors 2D Pixel array detector at Cornell Detector Specifications MOU, TA
2D Detector Development Plan Overview Time 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year Reviews/ Milestones - Complete SOW - Award initial funding early 2005 - Progress review Feb.. 2006 - Major review early 2007 Decision to proceed with final development Fall 2007 - Acceptance tests early 2009 Activity - Design pixel electronics - Fabrication of small- scale test chips - Continue R&D of pixel electronics of small-scale fab Optimize design of small- scale fab - Design and fab of large- scale detector chips Design and build of readout electronics - Development, fabrication and delivery of final detector system
2D Detector Status: Tasks 2005: Develop basic pixel electronics Submit small scale fab run for test chips All tasks completed, on schedule Tasks 2006: Test, design, fabricate, improve pixel electronics using small scale fabrications Submit 1 full lot-scale fab End of 2nd year: Major Design Review Plan and task break down for 06 has been set up TA 06 signed and funding has been awarded
LCLS Detector Advisory Committee (LDAC) Advises and reviews LCLS and LUSI detector development projects Meets regularly (1st. Meeting Febr./March ’05) 2nd. Meeting 9-10 February, 2006 Members: G. Derbyshire (Rutherford Appleton Lab.) (Chair) L. Strueder (MPI Extraterrestrische Physik, Garching) E. Eikenberry (Paul-Scherrer-Institut, SLS) Y. Amemiya (Univ. Tokyo) E. Heijne (CERN) A. Walenta (Univ. Siegen)
Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled (BCWS)
XES Critical Path (PPS System) ready 1st Light thru Undulator
Principal Subdivisions and Staffing Photon System Manager J. Arthur X-Ray Transport &Diagnostics R. Bionta Science Advice J. Hastings Endstation Systems S. Moeller Project Planning J. Scholes Controls Bob Dalesio Mike Saleski (PPS) +7 people Mechanical, Vacuum 2 people Lasers 2 people Detectors Niels van Bakel Atomic Physics John Bozek +1 person
Summary XES is staffing up rapidly according to plan Hired Atomic Physicist, Detector Engineer Hired PPS Engineer (shared with Electron Systems) Hired Controls Engineer, (Network, Beamline Controls) Start detailed design of AMOS Instrument Start with Controls design (PPS, Network) Continue 2D Detector program with Cornell Start Streak Camera project with LBL Coordinate with AMOS working group and LUSI Develop Installation and Commissioning Plan