Colonel Tony Campbell Director of Accessions US Army Training & Doctrine Command
The Call to Duty “Our Country’s citizens have always answered the call to duty since 1775. The strength of the Nation is its Army and the strength of the Army is its Soldiers. Citizens join our Army from every segment of our great society.” US Army Accessions Strategy
The Army’s Mission The Army Mission – our purpose – remains constant: To deploy, fight and win our nation’s wars by providing ready, prompt and sustained land dominance by Army forces across the full spectrum of conflict as part of the joint force. The Army mission is vital to the nation because we are the service capable of defeating enemy ground forces and indefinitely seizing and controlling those things an adversary prizes most – its land, its resources and its population.
Environment National Security and Economic Challenges Societal and Technological Transformation Sustainment of Generating Force Market Research and Job Appeal
Recruiting Market Environment Challenge 1: Willingness to Serve Youth are disconnected from the military; lack knowledge and have misconceptions about military service 79% of new recruits have a relative who served; 28% have a parent who served 15% of youth population have a parent who served; down from 40% in 1995 America’s veteran population will decline 35% over the next 30 years Propensity to join the military ranges 5 – 24% across the nation Propensity is self-reported likelihood of serving in the military Propensity improves when youth talk to someone about the military Youth are delaying traditional milestones of adulthood Army competes for talent Corporate America: out-pacing Army pay and benefits College: about 70% of youth enter college after high school graduation, though value of college is eroding Other Services/Internal Army 7/24/2019
Challenge 2: Changing the Conditions Propensity to serve changes with: An understanding of the Army and what it does Awareness of career opportunities (144 ways to serve) Benefits of joining: Making a Difference Leadership College Benefits Adventure Trade credentialing/Apprenticeship Potential signing bonus
The Army’s Current “Industrial” Approach FY19 Recruiting System Overview 517K Conduct Appointments 20–21M Contacts 146K Test Army Interview ASVAB Test Military Entrance Processing Command 119K Pass Test *83K Contract Physical Packet Build *83K Contracts are needed to build up the Entry Pool Military Entrance Processing Station Conduct FY20 Entry Pool Mental Top Points: RECRUITING IS A CONTINUOUS OPERATION AT THE TACTICAL, OPERATIONAL AND STRATEGIC LEVELS UNITY OF EFFORT IS CRITICAL TO SUCCEED – SIGNIFICANT COORDINATION AND COMMUNICATION ARE REQUIRED TO ORCHESTRATE THE ACTIONS OF NUMEROUS PLAYERS IN THE PROCESS SINCE THERE IS NO UNITY OF COMMAND Recruiting operations are always ongoing, from Soldiers constantly prospecting and engaging with young people at the tactical level, to recruiting operations centers scheduling and processing the flow of applicants at the operational level, to large scale engagements and shaping operations to improve propensity and change perceptions at the strategic level. Through national advertising, the AMRG is responsible for shaping public perception, driving people to, and increasing awareness and interest. In parallel operations, recruiting brigades and battalions execute local marketing through media and engagements to drive applicants to recruiting centers and engagements with Recruiters. The 44 recruiting battalions and 6 recruiting brigades conduct recruiting operations in every state and multiple locations overseas including Germany, Japan, Korea, Puerto Rico, Guam and the Samoan Islands. The most difficult and most important operation in recruiting is prospecting for qualified youth and engendering commitment to service by someone who meets our Army’s quality standards. It is leadership in its purest form to sit face to face with a young person and their families and convince them the Army’s opportunity can meet their needs and desires and enhance the overall meaning in their life. Every young man or woman who agrees to process for any service will process through US Military Entrance Processing Command, USMEPCOM. At the MEPs, applicants receive final screening for aptitude, conduct including drug and alcohol testing and background checks, and screened for any mental health issues. Once approved, they can finalize their contract for a specific MOS and training date (the Army is the only service who guarantees a specific job) and swear into the Army. If they are going active duty, they are placed in the Delayed Enlistment Program until the day they ship to training while Reservists immediately access into the Reserves and become a member of a Troop Program Unit. The Future Soldier Pool, those in the delayed entry program, is a vital management tool for recruiting. This pool of youth who have already contracted for service allow the Army to manage the flow of Soldiers into the training base keeping training seats filled and ensuring a “strategic reserve” of committed, yet untrained personnel for contingencies. This pool also helps to keep recruiting out of the desperate battle of having to contract men and women for service who must ship immediately to meet Army needs, know as “in and for” contracting. The Future Soldier pool is made up mostly of high school seniors and the rest are graduates who are waiting 30-45 days before shipping to training. While the Army’s goals is to have 35% of the next years mission in the entry pool at the end of any given year, we have fluctuated between as high as 45-50% (about 33K) to below 10% (as low as 7K). When the entry pool drops below the absolute value of about 10K, the Army is in a reactionary posture and at high risk to miss our accessions missions in either quantity or quality. All the future Soldiers are shipped, through MEPCOM, to the Army’s four primary training bases to receive basic and advanced training, or for a few large scale MOS, one station unit training, or OSUT. USAREC works very hard with its TRADOC sister commands to ensure the right Soldiers with the right qualifications arrive at the training base in the most efficient manner, ready to become Soldiers. 11K Projection (15.2% of 72.5K Mission) Risk to FY20 Mission First Unit Of Assignment Low 35% Moderate 30% 68K Access Basic Combat Training One Station Unit Training Significant 25% High <10K Advanced Individual Training (AIT) Ship to First Unit of Assignment As of: NOV 18 7/24/2019
Commander’s Intent The US Army recruits the most qualified individuals our Nation possesses. We synchronize ALL Army resources in a campaign like effort to hold in areas where we are currently successful and surge capabilities in areas of underperformance. Lines of Effort: Achieve unity of effort to synchronize “All-In” Army effort to support Synchronize and tailor messaging Modernize Information Technology Endstate: The US Army meets the Accessions Mission across the Total Army in FY19 achieving DoD quality marks and conditions set for success in FY20.
The Army Challenge
Focus 22 Cities Prioritization based on total recruitable population with least amount of US Army Recruiting Market penetration Success though concurrent efforts across multiple markets while capitalizing on momentum built in “ must hold markets.” Market efforts synchronized around the following opportunities: High Payoff event concurrently vs. sequenced by priority Availability of Resources Momentum achieved in specific markets Requests from local officials or organizations New York, NY Chicago, IL Dallas, TX Pittsburgh, PA Miami, FL Kansas City, MO Atlanta, GA Orlando, FL Sacramento, CA Houston, TX Seattle, WA Philadelphia, PA Minneapolis, MN Baltimore, MD Oklahoma City, OK Cleveland, OH Denver, CO San Francisco, CA Shreveport, LA Los Angeles, CA Boston, MA Phoenix, AZ Seattle Seattle Denver Kansas City Minneapolis Sacramento Sacramento Chicago Pittsburgh Boston Cleveland New York Philadelphia Baltimore San Francisco Atlanta Los Angeles Atlanta Phoenix Oklahoma City Orlando Shreveport Dallas Houston Houston Miami
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