World map showing the distribution areas of Trichinella nativa (Tna), Trichinella britovi (Tb), Trichinella murrelli (Tm), Trichinella nelsoni (Tne), Trichinella genotype T6 (T6), Trichinella genotype T8 (T8), and Trichinella genotype T9 (T9). World map showing the distribution areas of Trichinella nativa (Tna), Trichinella britovi (Tb), Trichinella murrelli (Tm), Trichinella nelsoni (Tne), Trichinella genotype T6 (T6), Trichinella genotype T8 (T8), and Trichinella genotype T9 (T9). In some regions, the distribution areas of these encapsulated species and genotypes overlap between them. (Modified from with permission of the publisher.) Bruno Gottstein et al. Clin. Microbiol. Rev. 2009; doi:10.1128/CMR.00026-08