Static Electricity Static electricity is produced by a charge imbalance. An object either gains or loses electrons, but these charges cannot flow (as opposed to current electricity). The electrons are transferred between objects by rubbing the objects together. Objects that lose electrons become positively (+) charged. Objects that gain electrons become negatively (-) charged.
Observations A weak ELECTROSTATIC FORCE works between charged materials and uncharged objects. If the objects are very small they will be pulled towards the charged materials. Materials with the SAME charge will REPEL each other Materials with OPPOSITE charges will attract each other. Could you explain why when you rub a balloon with a cloth it sticks to a wall?
Some applications Spray painting. When spraying paint on a car body the paint particles are given a negative charge, the car is given a positive charge. The paint is attracted into all the little corners and holes so that nothing is missed. Electrostatic precipitation. Smoke particles are attracted to statically charges rods inside power station chimneys. This removes the smoke before it can escape into the air. Photocopiers. They use a similar idea to spray painting.
Dangers We get lots of static shocks off all sorts of materials including clothing and seat covers. These charges are very small and will not harm us. However sparks caused by static charges can be very dangerous if they occur in places like petrol stations or where there are other flammable liquids and gases.
Use your IGCSE book to find definitions for the following: Conductors, Insulators and Semiconductors Earthing Induced charge Unit of charge Electric field Draw the electric field patterns: For a charged sphere For two point charges For two parallel plates At a sharp point When you finish, do questions on pages 173, 175 and 177