Members Forum 2010 Saied Solomons
Programme Introduction - Saied Solomons Economic Outlook - Rob Jeffrey Overview of the Industry - Mike Winfield CAPSA / CapCoR status - Les Sampson Facilitation of the process - Peter Thomas 1
Process & Structure Facilitator driven - Presentations to provide overview for discussion Discussion to identify key issues Business plan to be based on outputs of workshop 1
Introduction Membership of Sabita Current business plan Source of funding Application of funds Key industry issues 1
Membership Profile Sector 2010 2007 Oil companies 6 6 Secondary producers 16 15 Contractors 18 16 Consulting Engineers 29 29 Service providers 9 7 Total 78 73
Membership Growth 1
Previous members’ forums 2007 members’ forum (Drakensberg) resulted in the current business plan 2009 Sustainability Conference for members (Kleinmond) placed emphasis on: Sustainability of the industry Industry to take charge of its destiny regarding sustainable practices Technology to improve durability of asphalt Develop practices to reduce emissions & energy consumption
Strategic Plan 2007 - Vision Mission Sabita’s plans & actions are consistent with good corporate citizenship to underpin its dealings with government & to assist its members. Mission Sabita will: Advance best practice in southern Africa with due regard to worker health and safety, as well as the conservation of the environment; Provide education and training to develop skills & competencies that are sustainable & aligned to national goals; Engage government to promote the social & economic value of road provision & efficient delivery by state road organisations.
Current focal areas Health Safety and Environment (HSE) - morphing into sustainability Human Capital Development Engagement with Govt Technology Development (Aligned with similar organisations world wide) 1
HSE - SUSTAINABILITY Development of an award system (HSE Charter) Development of code of practices The safe handling of solvents in a bitumen/asphalt materials laboratory Loading at refineries Bitumen safety training Incident reporting system Air Quality Act HSE Management System (HSEMS) Greenhouse gas calculator Dissemination of global practice
Human Capital Development Asphalt Academy Hosting of training courses for practitioners Implementation of pavement engineering course for new entrants Develop training courses for lower levels skills Expand training courses into neighbouring territories Seek partnerships to expand into CapCoR CAPSA Custodian of funds Support management for CAPSA 11 SAT - Co-operation & support 1
Technology Development High Modulus Asphalt (HiMA) project – interim guideline Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA) - interim guideline Develop best practice guidelines and codes of practice The design and use of slurry seals and microsurfacing The design, manufacture and construction BRA wearing courses The reformatting of test methods into SANS Asphalt Binder distributors Develop labour intensive construction (LIC) method statements Design of premixed asphalt – asphalt quality Develop durability tests for binders Other – TRH’s / TMH’s/ TG’s/ SAPDM 1
Engagement with Stakeholders Councillor empowerment programme Preservation and provision of roads Promote socio economic benefits of roads Promote sustainable practices Warm Mix Asphalt Recycling of RAP in HMA / WMA IRF/SARF working Group involvement Co-Hosting of RPF Interaction with all stakeholders Establishment of GAPA 1
Source of funds Membership subs Ordinary (Volume basis) Associate (Fixed) Affiliate (SMMEs) Sponsors levy paid on ton of bitumen sold HSE Technology Development & Stakeholder Engagement Education grant - equal fixed amount paid by sponsors Sponsorship of the Asphalt Academy 1
Sponsorship 1
% of average List Price 1
Application of Funds 1
Sabita / Industry Image Current Image Anti-competitive practices Inconsistent quality Availability of material is unreliable HSE practices not the best Asphalt is still preferred……..for now Good engineers! 1
Cape Town 1