Information Evening 1st Year Parents 2017
Transitioning into St. Aloysius Preparation: Before September 2017. Transfer: Week one. Induction: Programme throughout 1st Year. Consolidation: Students taking responsibility for my learning and skill development.
Transition Timeline Week one: Half days, small break socialisation, timetable action. Week Two: Full days, full timetable, classroom movement. Term One: Optional subject confirmation and understanding of school culture.
Consultation with school partners Primary School Meetings
Consultation with school partners Parental Meeting
Junior Cycle: Learning Destination
Junior Cycle NEW Exam Subjects Subjects involving Classroom Based Assessments (CBA) and final examination in June 2020. English Irish Modern Foreign Languages Science Visual Art Business Studies
Junior Cycle: NEW non exam subject Wellbeing Social Personal and Health Education Civic Social and Political Education (examination) Physical Education Learning Module
Your daughter’s Examination Subjects English Irish or learning support Maths Foreign language or learning support History Geography 3 optional subjects to choose from… Civic Social and Political Education
Your daughter’s Non Examination Subjects Wellbeing: SPHE PE Learning module Religious Education
Supports for you & your daughter Subject Teacher: Note in the Journal. Class Teacher: Telephone the office. Year Head: Telephone the office. Guidance Counsellor: Referral system. Deputy Principal: Telephone the office. Principal: Telephone the office.
1. Support her learning. 2. Travel the journey together. Final thought…. 1. Support her learning. 2. Travel the journey together.