Rudy Improptu Harkness Discussion
Quick Write/Quick Discuss Take 2 minutes to respond to each question in writing. After the two minutes, we will use the Harkness rules to discuss the question. We will spend three minutes on each question. Do not talk without the Orb of Knowledge. All students must participate. The class is seeking a score of 27.
Rudy How does Rudy’s story relate to your personal life and dreams?
Is there any aspect of your identity that is as important to you as being a Notre Dame football player is to Rudy? If so, explain why. If not, is there any kind of prestigious title or label you want for yourself? Why is it important to you? Or, is there a prestigious label that your guardian or parents want for you? Why do you think it’s important to them?
Which character serves as the Sidekick archetype Which character serves as the Sidekick archetype? How does he support Rudy?
Which character is the archetype of the Sage (wise man) Which character is the archetype of the Sage (wise man)? How does he support Rudy?
What are the three most important aspects to Rudy’s Identity? Why?
How would Rudy’s identity be different if he wasn’t able to dress and play in that one game?
Ultimately, what kind of “Other” do you think Rudy is?
Do you think Notre Dame embraces Rudy today? Why or why not?