Mini Extended Essay 1st Draft Peer Review
For your peer’s extended essay, please follow these guidelines: Read the essay carefully. Annotate essay with comments, feedback, and suggestions that are constructive. This step is similar to our FSA peer review and should occur as you read. As you read, keep in mind the 4 criteria on which the paper will be scored (criteria will be listed on next slide with descriptions). Score the paper when finished using the criteria and points available. E.g.: Use your best judgment in scoring. Remember, you are helping your classmate understand where their work is strong or where it needs more work. Don’t just highlight what is weak – suggest ways they can improve. And don’t forget to highlight/comment on what they do well. Do not simply provide a score without reasoning – include why they received each criterion score alongside the score, or expressed throughout the paper in your comments and feedback. Criterion A: 4 Criterion B: 3 Criterion C: 10 Criterion D: 4 Total: 21 points
Criterion A: Focus and Method In terms of the choice of topic, the research question must be specific and sharply focused. Its purpose should be made clear to the reader and be related to the chosen literary work. The essay should involve analysis of the text(s) in the light of the research question. Students are encouraged to include a critical perspective so that the views of critics are used to support the students’ own arguments. 0-6 points Criterion B: Knowledge and Understanding Supporting source materials should be chosen appropriately and used effectively and purposefully to demonstrate an understanding of the wider issues involved. Clarity and precision of communication is important. Students should be able to convey their ideas fluently and articulately, using appropriate language. Criterion C: Critical Thinking Students should aim for a detailed and critical consideration that develops their own argument rather than simply adopting the views of others. The essay must focus on the analysis of the research material presented. Personal views should not simply be stated but need to be supported by reasoned argument. 0-12 points Criterion D: Presentation Structure and layout of the paper. This includes MLA formatting, in-text citations, and the Works Cited page. 0-4 points Example: Criterion A: 4 Criterion B: 3 Criterion C: 10 Criterion D: 4 Total: 21 points