The Life-Cycle of Your Agreement: A Panel Discussion Presented by – The OGC Personnel Team
Agreement Definitions MOU – Memorandum of Understanding CSA – Contracted Services Agreement PSA – Professional Services Agreement SEA – Pitt Staff Supplemental Earnings Agreement GSA – Pitt Guest Speaker Agreement
Who to Contact WHOOO? WHOOO? MOU – Kelsie Taggart CSA – Ryan Stoner PSA – Ryan Stoner SEA – Aniko Nalevanko GSA – Aniko Nalevanko OGC Website Personnel Tab WHOOO? WHOOO?
Agreement Life-Cycle Overview Definition Process Request Form Drafting the Agreement / Required Paperwork Approvals / Signature Process Finalizing the Agreement Invoicing Amendments Delays in Your Agreement Questions
Agreement Processing IMPORTANT NOTICE Agreements must be executed before the agreement holder begins work on your project! Payment processing denies payments to individuals if agreement is not attached with disbursements!
MOU Definition Who can have an MOU? What is an MOU? UPMC Staff Postdoctoral Associate T32 Postdoctoral Scholars Grad Student Researcher Grad Student Assistant Part-time Pitt Faculty MOU processing timeframe Can take a minimum of one week to complete from start to finish What is an MOU? Memorandum of Understanding Used to contract internal workers (UPMC Employees and Pitt Academic Positions) Full-time Pitt faculty cannot have an MOU on a federal grant. Faculty can only be paid on a federal grant by committing effort and allocating a percentage of their salary to the grant.
MOU Process Request Form Website under Personnel/Forms/MOUs: MOU Request Template Personnel Forms Email Kelsie: Request forms can be obtained on our website or by emailing me.
MOU Request Form Current supervisor’s signature or email approval attached will only be accepted. Scope of work must be grant specific. Use most up to date request form. Things to remember when filling out the request form: be sure to have the employee’s current supervisor sign off on the request form. Typing the supervisor’s name will not be sufficient. If a signature cannot be obtained, please provide an email attachment from the supervisor with their approval. Next, the Scope of Work should be grant specific – explain how/why you need this person to work on this specific grant. Lastly, be sure to use the most updated form. All of my information is at the bottom if you ever need to contact me with questions.
MOU Process Drafting the Agreement / Required Paperwork If not a WPIC employee – must check with HR for clearances. Non-exempt Agreement will read differently than an exempt employee’s agreement. Will specifically state that you understand that overtime is required to be paid if more than 40 hours are worked in one work week. Will contact you if HR does not have clearances and let you know what kind of paperwork we need.
MOU Process Approvals/Signature Process Grant Specialist PI Agreement Holder Hermi Woodward MOUs can take a minimum of one week to complete from start to finish The MOU Agreement needs to go through a few people for approvals before the MOU can become active. First, the grant’s specialist needs to approve of the MOU for budget reasons. Then it gets sent to WPIC Financial and then routed to WPIC President for signatures. Once the agreement leaves the OGC office, it can take between 1 – 3 weeks to receive the agreement back with all of the required signatures.
MOU Process Finalizing the Agreement MOU agreement holder and PI must sign. Return to Kelsie to obtain Hermi Woodward’s signature Requester and PI receive a scanned copy of the finalized agreement via email. Once all 3 signatures are obtained, the MOU holder can now be paid. Will receive an email with the scanned copy of the signed MOU attached as well as the Invoice template. This is how the agreement holder will get paid.
MOU Process Invoicing Invoices can be submitted bi-weekly, monthly, or any other schedule as agreed upon by the agreement holder and the PI. Website under Personnel/Forms: MOU Invoice Template Personnel Forms To be included in the next pay, invoices must be received by Kelsie by no later than the Thursday prior to the Saturday pay end date. 2013 Payday Calendar Non-exempt employees: must include Kronos timesheet with invoice. Over 40 hours/week have to be paid overtime. Incorrect or incomplete invoices will not be processed and will be returned with instructions for correction. Nonexempt employees - Will need Kronos time sheet for the corresponding pay period.
MOU Invoice Be sure to complete every field of this invoice. Update UPMC account number. Total the hours worked. Be sure to use the rate of pay indicated on the MOU agreement. We will manually calculate any overtime if needed. Employee and PI must sign off on the invoice. Only send one copy of the invoice. Do not send an electronic and hard copy. Risk of paying twice.
MOU Amendments Complete a new MOU request form to amend the agreement The “total amount accrued” will be the total dollar amount from the prior agreement plus the new dollar amount of the amendment Period of Performance – keep the start date of the original agreement
MOU Process Delays in Your MOU Budget Incomplete request form Signatures/Approval process Clearances Campus mail Incomplete – supervisor signature and scope of work. Getting clearances can hold up the process.
CSA vs. PSA Please do not attempt to determine agreement type on your own; send a detailed Scope of Work to Ryan Stoner who will facilitate the agreement type decision. Once agreement type is decided, use the link below for further instructions. What makes a good Statement of Work? Pitt Office of Research makes final decisions regarding agreement type The University of Pittsburgh provides a checklist which you can access to determine which agreement you should use. The Office of Research has the final say. They initially review and make the final determination of the agreement.
CSA Definition Who can have a CSA? What is a CSA? Contracted Services Agreement Usually involves participation with human research subjects or manuscript preparation. Common examples of CSAs Interviewing research subjects, taking blood samples, providing research expertise and participating in manuscript preparation Who can have a CSA? Individuals or institutions outside of UPMC Foreign institutions CSA processing timeframe Can take up to 6 weeks to complete from start to finish A CSA is Contract Service Agreement. These agreements can be held with individuals or institutions outside of UPMC or the University of Pittsburgh. Foreign institutions can also have this kind of agreement.
CSA Process Request Form Website under Personnel/Forms/CSAs: GM-CSA Request Form Personnel Forms Email Ryan: Visit our website for the form and contact Ryan with any questions
CSA Request Form Please use the correct Institution and Pitt 6-digit grant account numbers or correct 02-90xxx hard account number. Responsible Faculty is the PI The Department Contact is yourself or whoever manages the grant Pitt Contact for invoices is Tom Berkhoudt This is the request form when completing a CSA for a grant account number that is an 05 or soft funded number
CSA Process Drafting the Agreement / Required Paperwork Scope of Work Conflict of Interest form Individual Investigator Agreement form This is an IRB document required only if the agreement holder will have direct contact with human subjects. Personnel Forms When completing the request form, other documents are needed for processing. A detailed scope of work. This is a separate Word document stating the tasks to be completed for the agreement. A W-9 is needed and also a conflict of interest form
CSA Process Approvals Grant Specialist Completed request form, scope of work, W-9, and Conflict of Interest Form sent to the Office of Research If IIA is needed, the investigator/requestor should complete the top portion, have the agreement holder sign the form and either fax or scan and send the document back to Jean Barone at the IRB office ( or fax 412-383-1508), and she can obtain the necessary signature from our Institutional Official. When I receive your request form, it is then forwarded to your assigned grants specialist for approval. Any concerns regarding budget will be directed back to you for final approval.
CSA Process Finalizing the Agreement Office of Research will send a draft for PI approval Do not obtain signatures on the draft. This is a review for content only. Once PI approves, completed agreement will be sent to Agreement holder for signature Requester and PI receive a scanned copy of the finalized agreement via email All forms are sent to the Office of Research. The initial draft is sent to Kasey Godard and Tom Berkhoudt. Aniko , myself and the grant specialist then receive it. It is forwarded to your project for review. Once you approve that, you send it back to me. I then send it to the Office of Research who then forwards the contract to the agreement holder for signature. The finalized contract is sent to Kasey who then will forward the final agreement to your project.
CSA Process Invoicing Please send invoice along with a Pitt disbursement to your Grant Specialist Attach a full copy of the finalized CSA Your grant specialist will need a copy of the invoice along with a Pitt disbursement to process the payment. Attach a full copy of the finalized contract with all necessary signatures.
CSA Process Invoicing Please use the correct subcode of 6421 when submitting the disbursement
CSA Invoice Please complete the invoice with the appropriate UPMC and Pitt account numbers Please include the PI and employee names Make sure the correct total hours worked, rate of pay and total are amount are on the invoice. The employee and PI must sign off on the invoice. Be sure to use the up to date form and that is filled out completely or it will be returned.
CSA Amendments Please check the box that says amendment and write the number amendment it is, whether it’s 1, 2, etc. Amount accrued should equal the total $ amount for the entire duration of the agreement. When requesting an amendment the same request form is used as the initial agreement. Please be sure to check that box next to Amendment and write which amendment number it is. All other information is needed as with the initial request.
CSA Process Delays in Your CSA CSA vs. PSA Budget Incomplete request form Office of Research processing Campus mail IIA Processing When we send your initial agreement over the Office of Research to determine the agreement type, it can take up to a week to hear from them as they need to review the document. We can look on InfoEd – access to OR tracking system should you contact me and I can determine where your agreement is in processing.
PSA Definition What is a PSA? Common examples of PSAs Professional Services Agreement Usually involves research without human subject participation or manuscript preparation. Common examples of PSAs Data analysis, statistical consultation, language translation, and providing trainings for staff members Who can have a PSA? Individuals or institutions outside of UPMC or the University PSA processing timeframe Can take up to 6 weeks to complete from start to finish Under $5,000 Over $5,000 A PSA is a Professional Service Agreement. Individuals or institutions outside of UPMC or the University can have this agreement.
PSA Process Request Form Website under Personnel/Forms/PSAs: PSA Template Personnel Forms Email Ryan: Visit our website for the form and contact Ryan with any questions
PSA Request Form Complete all text fields within the agreement form.
PSA Request Form On page 3 of the PSA agreement, remember to give us the total dollar amount and the grant ID number
PSA Process Drafting the Agreement / Required Paperwork 20-Factor Test Directed or Sole Source Justification Insurance Certificate: What is a certificate of insurance? Recommended Minimum Insurance Requirements Pitt Purchasing’s PSA checklist can help organize necessary documents Once the agreement form is completed Ryan will initially review for completion All PSAs require the 20 Factor Test and the W-9 form. For agreements over $5,000, the Directed or Sole Source Justification and Insurance Certificate is required in addition to the other required documents.
INSURANCE CERTIFICATE Make sure the insurance certificate states…University of Pittsburgh is named as additional insured as it relates to general, liability, auto regarding work performed by the named insured… Certificate Holder must state University of Pittsburgh The dollar amounts must match those set by the University’s Risk Management Office
PSA Process Approvals Grant Specialist will approve for budgetary purposes If above $5,000 Pitt Purchasing will review and has final approval Your grant specialist is one of the approvers for budgetary purposes. For those agreements over $5,000, Pitt Purchasing will review and be an additional approver
PSA Process Finalizing the Agreement Under $5,000 – Tom Berkhoudt, PI, and Agreement holder sign Over $5,000 – Pitt Purchasing, PI, and Agreement holder sign Requester and PI receive a scanned copy of the finalized agreement via email Agreements under $5,000 requires 3 signatures, Tom Berkhoudt, The PI and the Agreement Holder Agreements over $5,000 requires 3 signatures, Pitt Purchasing, the PI and the agreement holder
PSA Process Invoicing Please send invoice along with a Pitt disbursement to your Grant Specialist Attach a full copy of the finalized PSA Please attach a full copy of the finalized PSA with the invoice to your Grant Specialist.
PSA Process Invoicing Please use the correct subcode of 6421 when submitting the disbursement
PSA Invoice Please complete the invoice with the appropriate UPMC and Pitt account numbers Please include the PI and employee names Make sure the correct total hours worked, rate of pay and total are amount are on the invoice. The employee and PI must sign off on the invoice. All information is required to process the payment. If not, it will be returned.
PSA Process Amendments Email Ryan with changes in total amount or extension of end date Ryan will draft Amendment and send for approvals When an amendment is needed, email Ryan Stoner with the changes; i.e. Date extension and/or changes in dollar amount.
PSA Process Delays in Your PSA CSA vs. PSA Over $5,000 – approvals in Pitt Purchasing, consultation with General Counsel Budget Incomplete request form Signatures/Approval process Campus mail Delays in documentation Documentation – directed soul source signature, insurance cert. Over 5000 – Pitt purchasing and General counsel.
SEA Definition Who can have a SEA? What is a SEA? Pitt Staff Supplemental Earnings Agreement Must follow Pitt Procedure 07-09-02: Supplemental Payment Requests for Pitt Staff Employees Who can have a SEA? Pitt Staff SEA processing timeframe Can take up to 8 weeks to complete from start to finish
SEA Process Request Form Website under Personnel/Forms/SEAs: Pitt Prior Approval Supplemental Earnings Personnel Forms Email Aniko:
SEA Request Form Aniko can assist in gathering salary and Pitt title information for the first paragraph Grant funded projects are considered “special projects”. Hard funded projects are considered “Interim Assignment of Additional Duties” Signatures are based upon the staff member’s home department – their primary work supervisor, their department administrator, etc.
SEA Process Drafting the Agreement / Required Paperwork The SEA agreement should be completed by the requesting department Once completed, the unsigned form should be sent to Aniko Nalevanko If the agreement holder will be working directly with or in close proximity to children or research participants, then WPIC required Act 33/34/73 clearances should be completed.
SEA Process Approvals Grant Specialist must approve for budget Pitt staff member’s supervisor and department administrator must approve additional work Associate Vice Chancellor’s office approves Pitt HR Compensation approves
SEA Process Finalizing the Agreement Agreement is considered final once Pitt HR Compensation emails Aniko approving payment details Will send a finalized copy
SEA Process Invoicing Invoices can be submitted bi-weekly, monthly, or any other schedule as agreed upon by the agreement holder and the PI. Pitt staff paychecks are monthly. To be included in the next pay, invoices must be received by Aniko by no later than the 25th of the previous month. Ex., for payment on 3/31/12, invoices must be received by 2/25/12. Pitt Payroll Due Dates Supplemental payments may not be rushed through the system. Incorrect or incomplete invoices will not be processed and will be returned with instructions for correction
SEA Invoice Be sure to complete every field of this invoice. Total the hours worked. Employee and P.I. must sign off on the Invoice. Only send one copy of the Invoice. Do not send an electronic and hard copy. Risk of paying twice.
SEA Process Amendments Pitt HR Compensation usually does not extend Pitt Staff Supplemental Earnings Agreements beyond six months total. Per Pitt’s Procedure: If supplemental payments are anticipated to last longer than six consecutive months, departments should consider temporarily augmenting staff employee base pay salaries as appropriate until such time additional or extraordinary work requirements are satisfied.
SEA Process Delays in Your SEA Budget Incomplete request form Signatures/Approval process Vice Chancellor’s Office Pitt HR Compensation Campus mail
GSA Definition What is a GSA? Who can have a GSA? Guest Speaker Agreement This contract should be used for speakers being brought to campus. This contract can be issued to an Agency as well as a guest speaker. Who can have a GSA? A guest speaker is defined as a person(s) who lectures, debates or makes a presentation on a specific topic and possibly takes questions after the presentation. Comedians, musical acts, poets, and other entertainers who perform an act, music, spoken work, etc are live performers (use Live Performer Agreement) and NOT considered Guest Speakers.
GSA Process Request Form Website under Personnel/Forms/GSAs: Guest Speaker No Rights Personnel Forms Email Aniko:
GSA Request Form Complete the form in its entirety.
GSA Process Approvals GSA will need signed by the Guest Speaker and the PI for the project.
GSA Process Finalizing the agreement Please email a completed copy of the GSA agreement to Aniko in the OGC. We will save the finalized agreement in our electronic grant file for documentation.
GSA Process Invoicing The completed Guest Speaker Agreement will need to be provided to your Grant Specialist along with a Pitt disbursement in order to pay the guest speaker.