Gillian Harrison, MLIS Manager, Marketing and Support BCR Plugging Into the Numbers: Using Data to Make Some Noise about Library Services Gillian Harrison, MLIS Manager, Marketing and Support BCR
Mom and Dad
Path to Today’s Presentation Classification and thesaurus creation for engineering information Reference librarian Building product databases, taxonomies, analyzing product placement data Product Manager Marketing Manager
Today’s Topic Data Calculus Statistics Differential Equations Market Analysis Surveying Making Some Noise Product launch plans Presentations YA programs Singing Writing
Mom and Dad
You say Data, and I say Data Circulation: 900,677 76,988 site visits 67 transactions 6729 searches
“Let’s Call the Whole Thing Off” Exciting Intimidating The world is a story problem…
Who, What, When, Where
Who? Is going to… To get data for… Has the password???? pull Gather manipulate To get data for… Branch, Campus, System, District, consortia, region, state Has the password????
What? Data is available… Circulaton Reference Website Catalog Databases Collection Resource Sharing Geographic
What? Circulation Item, format, patron, patron type, branch, day, time of day Checkout time, number of items checked out Amount overdue, time overdue
What? Reference In person, phone, email, IM, virtual reference Directional
What? Website Site visits Page views Searches Transaction logs Time per visit
What? Catalog Searches Search terms Link traffic
What? Databases Searches Full text requests, accesses Turnaways Printing Authentication method
What? Collection Subject Date Audience Comparison
What? Resource sharing Borrowing Lending Initiated Fullfilled/Unfulfilled Turnaround time
What? Geographic Population served Demographics Physical locations
When? Should data be sought… Regularly Before and after a project or promotion To support an initiative (budget, bond issue, renewals, new acquisitons)
Where? Can data be found… Vendor (ILS, database, website host, software provider) Professional organizations Government Pew OCLC
A brief word about standards COUNTER Codes of Practice Journals and Databases Books and Reference Works
OCLC Membership Reports Sharing, Privacy and Trust in our Networked World (October 2007) College Students’ Perceptions of Libraries and Information Resources Perceptions of Libraries and Information Resources Information Format Trends: Content, Not Containers Environmental Scan: Pattern Recognition Libraries: How They Stack Up Five-Year Information Format Trends
Pew Internet and American Life Project Parent and Teen Internet Use Broadband: What’s All the Fuss About? Riding the Waves of “Web 2.0” Social Networking Websites and Teens Information Searches that Solve Problems
Why? Comparison Correlation Causation
Making Some Noise
What do I do now?
Make friends with your data Baselines Trends Patterns
Manipulate your data Simplify Compare Picture it 1 + 1 = 2
Define your audience Board Staff Business Partners Community Patrons Chamber of commerce, friends Patrons Teens, business users, faculty, undergraduates, remote users
Pick and Choose Remember…
What are you trying to say? Update Funding Justification Inform Shock
The “Here’s” Update – “Here’s where we are” Funding – “Here’s what we need” Justification – “Here’s why” Inform – “Here’s what we can do” Shock – “Looky here!”
Outcomes? Update… fullfill expectation Funding… gimme money! Justification… of a decison Inform… so that you know Shock… into action
Where, oh where? Venue Media Voice
Audio Demonstration Clinton May Hold Early Campaign Cash Lead (Morning Edition, April 2, 2007) Republican Hopefuls Post Fundraising Totals (Morning Edition, April 3, 2007)
Gillian Harrison Thank You! Gillian Harrison