299/2017 Bristell SLSA FOR SALE $218,893 18 Aug Blue tinted canopy with white painted inside Wheel Fairings Berringer TOE Brakes, Dual Teleflex cables for student training Carbon fiber panel and glove box SHORT WING 912ULS, MT PROP WITH GOVERNOR WIG WAG LIGHTS, ELECTRIC TRIM 2.4V USB rt side, 12V behind seats LEMO wireless connections IFR Equipped-GNC 255 Nav Comm GMA245 audio Dual G3X Touch GDU460, GDU 465 on right side Garmin 57X antenna for XM radio, 2nd ADAHRS , Back up IBBS-12V-3AH BATTERY GTX45R TXP & GPS 20A for ABS-B in and out Garmin G5 back up 4” EFIS with back up battery installed high in center 2 Servo Autopilot with GMC 307 module Deluxe Graphics Metallic Paint Light grey and grey Leather interior